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[Orgmode] Re: Highlight current date in agenda buffer

From: Bernt Hansen
Subject: [Orgmode] Re: Highlight current date in agenda buffer
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 13:52:20 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2 (gnu/linux)

Leo <address@hidden> writes:

> My friend asked about how to have the current date highlighted when
> in the week view of the agenda. Any ideas?

I have the following in my .emacs

(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook '(lambda () (hl-line-mode 1)))

and then just '.' in the agenda goes to today with the hilighted line.
When starting the agenda (week, month view) the current line is always
on today's date for me.

It's not exactly what you want but it Works Great For Me(tm)

I also have the week view starting on today and looking 6 days into the
future so the first day of the current week is always today.

 (setq org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil)


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