[Orgmode] [OT] How do you keep your reference data?
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
[Orgmode] [OT] How do you keep your reference data?
Sun, 8 Nov 2009 16:24:39 -0600
Hi list!
Information that has no potential next action associated but that still has potential reference value and that you'd like to keep around, how and where do you keep it ?
I usually check - if it is related to a project, I put it in this project's wiki page (a simple .org ASCII file named after the project under ~/org/wiki folder). If it's not, I try to find out if there's a wiki page that I could fit it into, if not, I create a new file under the wiki folder.
I used to use tomboy, but I'm trying to move/center all my data to my org folder. I still use Tomboy for quick notes (collection-phase) though, but not for reference.
I then have a simple function that searches (rgrep) through the whole ~/org folder, so that whenever I want to check if I have something about subject x, I just rgrep my PIM folder.
;;a little elisp func to rgrep through all my org directory (defun org-rgrep (REGEXP1) "Searches through all my org/PIM files" (interactive "sSearch PIM for: ") (rgrep REGEXP1 "*.org" "/home/marcelo/org" ))
;;bind the previous function to windows_key + o (global-set-key [?\s-o] 'org-rgrep)