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[Orgmode] [PATCH 2/2] Change indentation to match coding style guideline

From: David Maus
Subject: [Orgmode] [PATCH 2/2] Change indentation to match coding style guideline.
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 08:22:24 +0200

* org-feed.el: Change indentation to match coding style

Cosmetic changes.
 lisp/org-feed.el |   88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-feed.el b/lisp/org-feed.el
index e41ad97..2af97e5 100644
--- a/lisp/org-feed.el
+++ b/lisp/org-feed.el
@@ -166,10 +166,11 @@ Here are the keyword-value pair allows in 
      When the handler is called, point will be at the feed headline.
 :parse-feed function
-     This function gets passed a buffer, and should return a list of entries,
-     each being a property list containing the `:guid' and `:item-full-text'
-     keys.  The default is `org-feed-parse-rss-feed'; 
-     is an alternative.
+     This function gets passed a buffer, and should return a list
+     of entries, each being a property list containing the
+     `:guid' and `:item-full-text' keys.  The default is
+     `org-feed-parse-rss-feed'; `org-feed-parse-atom-feed' is an
+     alternative.
 :parse-entry function
      This function gets passed an entry as returned by the parse-feed
@@ -200,12 +201,12 @@ Here are the keyword-value pair allows in 
                    (list :inline t :tag "Changed items"
                          (const :changed-handler)
                          (symbol :tag "Handler Function"))
-                    (list :inline t :tag "Parse Feed"
-                          (const :parse-feed)
-                          (symbol :tag "Parse Feed Function"))
-                    (list :inline t :tag "Parse Entry"
-                          (const :parse-entry)
-                          (symbol :tag "Parse Entry Function"))
+                   (list :inline t :tag "Parse Feed"
+                         (const :parse-feed)
+                         (symbol :tag "Parse Feed Function"))
+                   (list :inline t :tag "Parse Entry"
+                         (const :parse-entry)
+                         (symbol :tag "Parse Entry Function"))
 (defcustom org-feed-drawer "FEEDSTATUS"
@@ -314,10 +315,10 @@ it can be a list structured like an entry in 
          (drawer (or (nth 1 (memq :drawer feed))
-          (parse-feed (or (nth 1 (memq :parse-feed feed))
-                          'org-feed-parse-rss-feed))
-          (parse-entry (or (nth 1 (memq :parse-entry feed))
-                           'org-feed-parse-rss-entry))
+         (parse-feed (or (nth 1 (memq :parse-feed feed))
+                         'org-feed-parse-rss-feed))
+         (parse-entry (or (nth 1 (memq :parse-entry feed))
+                          'org-feed-parse-rss-entry))
          feed-buffer inbox-pos new-formatted
          entries old-status status new changed guid-alist e guid olds)
       (setq feed-buffer (org-feed-get-feed url))
@@ -333,10 +334,11 @@ it can be a list structured like an entry in 
          (setq old-status (org-feed-read-previous-status inbox-pos drawer))
          ;; Add the "handled" status to the appropriate entries
          (setq entries (mapcar (lambda (e)
-                                 (setq e (plist-put e :handled
-                                                    (nth 1 (assoc
-                                                            (plist-get e :guid)
-                                                            old-status)))))
+                                 (setq e
+                                       (plist-put e :handled
+                                                  (nth 1 (assoc
+                                                          (plist-get e :guid)
+                                                          old-status)))))
          ;; Find out which entries are new and which are changed
          (dolist (e entries)
@@ -637,9 +639,9 @@ formatted as a string, not the original XML data."
     (let ((feed (car (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
        (lambda (entry)
-         (list
-          :guid (car (xml-node-children (car (xml-get-children entry 'id))))
-          :item-full-text (prin1-to-string entry)))
+        (list
+         :guid (car (xml-node-children (car (xml-get-children entry 'id))))
+         :item-full-text (prin1-to-string entry)))
        (xml-get-children feed 'entry)))))
 (defun org-feed-parse-atom-entry (entry)
@@ -647,28 +649,36 @@ formatted as a string, not the original XML data."
   (let ((xml (car (read-from-string (plist-get entry :item-full-text)))))
     ;; Get first <link href='foo'/>.
     (setq entry (plist-put entry :link
-                           (xml-get-attribute
-                            (car (xml-get-children xml 'link))
-                            'href)))
+                          (xml-get-attribute
+                           (car (xml-get-children xml 'link))
+                           'href)))
     ;; Add <title/> as :title.
     (setq entry (plist-put entry :title
-                          (org-feed-unescape (car (xml-node-children
-                                                   (car (xml-get-children xml 
+                          (org-feed-unescape
+                           (car (xml-node-children
+                                 (car (xml-get-children xml 'title)))))))
     (let* ((content (car (xml-get-children xml 'content)))
-           (type (xml-get-attribute-or-nil content 'type)))
+          (type (xml-get-attribute-or-nil content 'type)))
       (when content
-        (cond
-         ((string= type "text")
-          ;; We like plain text.
-         (setq entry (plist-put entry :description (org-feed-unescape (car 
(xml-node-children content))))))
-         ((string= type "html")
-          ;; TODO: convert HTML to Org markup.
-         (setq entry (plist-put entry :description (org-feed-unescape (car 
(xml-node-children content))))))
-         ((string= type "xhtml")
-          ;; TODO: convert XHTML to Org markup.
-          (setq entry (plist-put entry :description (prin1-to-string 
(xml-node-children content)))))
-         (t
-          (setq entry (plist-put entry :description (format "Unknown '%s' 
content." type)))))))
+       (cond
+        ((string= type "text")
+         ;; We like plain text.
+         (setq entry (plist-put entry :description
+                                (org-feed-unescape
+                                 (car (xml-node-children content))))))
+        ((string= type "html")
+         ;; TODO: convert HTML to Org markup.
+         (setq entry (plist-put entry :description
+                                (org-feed-unescape
+                                 (car (xml-node-children content))))))
+        ((string= type "xhtml")
+         ;; TODO: convert XHTML to Org markup.
+         (setq entry (plist-put entry :description
+                                (prin1-to-string
+                                 (xml-node-children content)))))
+        (t
+         (setq entry (plist-put entry :description
+                                (format "Unknown '%s' content." type)))))))
 (provide 'org-feed)

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