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Re: [O] org-odt and bibliography

From: Jambunathan K
Subject: Re: [O] org-odt and bibliography
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 13:25:43 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (windows-nt)

Hello Henri

org-odt doesn't support bibliographic content. So what you are reporting
is what is expected.

I am no academic or a researcher. So I have no understanding of
bibliographies - their representation, management etc. 

If you send me an Org file and a HAND-CRAFTED odt file matching it then
I would be able to reverse-engineer the odt document that you supply,
understand what meets your needs and add support for the same.

>From the OpenOffice UI, I remember seeing entries for creating
Bibliographic indices etc. So I would assume that Bibliographic content
can be represented in a much native manner with OpenDocument formats.

Jambunathan K.

> Greetings!
> I am starting to use org-odt and I find it very useful.  I am wondering
> whether it is possible to export also my bibliography.   In the org file
> I have the following:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> blah blah blah \cite<cf>{Apple:1992a,Payne:1999a,Martin:2003a}.
> blah blah blah
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Then later:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> \bibliographystyle{apacite}
> \bibliography{/home/henk/Dropbox/dissertation/bibdata-neuf}
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The above text from the org file is transferred verbatim to the odt
> file.  The same happens to the footnotes.
> I understand that the org-odt code is still under development and that
> the developer is doing this from the goodness of his heart.  I am just
> wondering whether I am missing something, doing something incorrectly,
> or this is maybe going to be a future feature.
> Thanks,
> Henri-Paul


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