Thomas S. Dye writes:
$ cd ~/src/
$ git clone git://
$ cd org-mode
Move the cd up here.
In most cases, you will probably want to run `make install' to
install Org with the Emacs system files. Please run `make help' to get
the full list of options.
See, that's one of those short descriptions that only seem clear, but
aren't actually helpful. You can't "make install" just now, you have to
decide Whether and where to install and adapt the local configuration
accordingly, both for the build system and within Emacs. The default
local config requires that you can install into system locations and it
only works OOTB on GNU systems.
You can also compile with `make', generate the documentation with
`make doc', or create a local configuration with `make config'.
If no local configuration exists, the first invocation of make will
create a default one. Make config will display the local configuration.