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Re: [O] showing up twice in customize group, "Org Agenda Match View"

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [O] showing up twice in customize group, "Org Agenda Match View"
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:28:05 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)

Brady Trainor <address@hidden> writes:

> This shouldn't take any priority I imagine, but I am curious what
> causes it.
> If you execute
>     M-x customize-group org-agenda RET
> at bottom you will find two appearances of subgroup `Org Agenda Match
> View', which I assume is not desired result.
> I think this must somehow result from Emacs' auto-documentation.
> Traveling through describe-function (for the contents
> "org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options"), I arrive at agenda.el,
> and do some grepping. I found this, but I can't see anything wrong
> with it's lone appearance,
>  ____
> /
> (defgroup org-agenda-match-view nil
>   "Options concerning the general tags/property/todo match agenda view."
>   :tag "Org Agenda Match View"
>   :group 'org-agenda)
> \____
> Maybe I should have been doing some grepping elsewhere, but I'm lazy
> to go digging through Emacs source, which is probably in compiled form
> on this install (Linux. In my Windows install, default is for the
> source to be conveniently (inefficiently?) adjacent to the compiled.).

If you look at the subsequent lines, you'll see that the next group was
probably cut-n-pasted from this one and has the wrong tag:

| (defgroup org-agenda-match-view nil
|   "Options concerning the general tags/property/todo match agenda view."
|   :tag "Org Agenda Match View"
|   :group 'org-agenda)
| (defgroup org-agenda-search-view nil
|   "Options concerning the general tags/property/todo match agenda view."
|   :tag "Org Agenda Match View"
|   :group 'org-agenda)


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