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Re: [O] numbering figure in html ?

From: Joseph Vidal-Rosset
Subject: Re: [O] numbering figure in html ?
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 08:42:50 +0200

Dear Nick, (cc. the list)

The following code works correctly to export into LaTeX, but the caption function fails in html. But caption works in html when it is above a table written in org-mode.

#+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim
#+LaTeX_CLASS: org-article
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [koma,a4paper,11pt]
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [times]
#+OPTIONS: ':t
#+OPTIONS: tex:t
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz}
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [captions=tableheading]
#+OPTIONS: tex:imagemagick

#+CAPTION: Classical square of opposition
\draw[<-, >=latex][thick] (0,0) -- (1.6,0) node[right] {Subcontrary};
\draw[->,>=latex] [thick] (3.6,0) -- (5,0) node[right] { \((\mathbf{O})\)~ \(\underset{\land \exists x(Sx)}{\exists x(Sx \land \neg Px)}\)};
\draw[->,>=latex] [thick] (1.6,0) -- (0,0) node[left] {\(\underset{\land \exists x(Sx)}{\exists x(Sx \land  Px)}\)~ \((\mathbf{I})\)};
\draw[<->,>=latex][thick] (5,0) -- (0,5) node[left] {\(\underset{\land \exists x(Sx)}{\forall x(Sx \to Px)}\)~ \((\mathbf{A})\)} node[midway] {CONTRADICTORY} ;
\draw[<->,>=latex][thick] (0,0) -- (5,5);
\draw[-,>=latex][thick]  (0,5) -- (0,2.5) node[below] {Subaltern};
\draw[->,>=latex][thick] (0,2) -- (0,0);
\draw[-,>=latex][thick] (5,5) -- (5,2.5) node[below] {Subaltern};
\draw[<-,>=latex][thick] (0,5) -- (1.7,5) node[right] {Contrary};
\draw[->,>=latex][thick] (3.2,5) -- (5,5) node[right]{\((\mathbf{E})\)~ \(\underset{\land \exists x(Sx)}{\forall x(Sx \to  \neg Px)}\)};
\draw[->,>=latex][thick] (5,2) -- (5,0);

2014-08-04 21:30 GMT+02:00 Nick Dokos <address@hidden>:
Joseph Vidal-Rosset <address@hidden> writes:

> Hello everybody,
> In org-mode exporting
> \begin{figure}
> \begin{tikzpicture}
> \draw[<-, >=latex][thick] (0,0) -- (1.6,0) node[right] {Subcontrary};
> ...
> end{tikzpicture}


> \caption{Square of opposition}
> \end{figure}
> works well with LateX, but fails with html: each Figure has the same number, i.e. 1.
> What is the best solution to get numbered Figure in html?

[Please provide complete examples whenever possible.]

How do you produce the figure for HTML export?


#+caption: Square of opposition

on the figure?


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