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Re: [O] problèmes d'accents

From: Joseph Vidal-Rosset
Subject: Re: [O] problèmes d'accents
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 13:38:07 +0200

Hello Ali,

2014-08-12 13:24 GMT+02:00 Suvayu Ali <address@hidden>:
> Please, tell me how to express this action correctly in emacs dialect.

That would be `C-c C-e l o'.

Thanks !

> But I am happy to tell you that I have understood this morning the cause of
> my problem. I had in my init.el  the following dangerous lines:
> ;; Let the exporter use the -shell-escape option to let latex
> ;; execute external programs.
> ;; This obviously and can be dangerous to activate!
> (setq org-latex-pdf-process
>      '("xelatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f"))

Why do you think this is dangerous?  Because of the `-shell-escape'?
Without it you will not get source code highlighting (with minted).
Also -shell-escape is not as dangerous as it seems.  It can be only if
somehow you have a malicious/buggy package in your texlive installation,
and you happen to use in your TeX source.

:) I have only reproduced the code and its comment from somewhere in the internet. I am not expert enough to say if it is dangerous or not.
 I just note that the deactivation of this code in my init.el solves the problem of French accents.
Unfortunately, I have to forget the highlighting code with minted. I had also some problem with minted, and it seems that things work better with a more thin  init.el ...

I'm using texlive with Xubuntu at the moment , and it is true that I did not meet this problem under Debian testing, so, there is maybe a bug somewhere in the texlive packages of Ubuntu  or Debian sid servers... it is an unwelcome "troll" ;) 

Best wishes


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