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[O] file-truename: Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size when

From: Grant Rettke
Subject: [O] file-truename: Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size when tangling
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 16:19:21 -0500

Good afternoon,

While debugging one of my babel documents, I re-read [this]
documentation on `:noweb-ref'.

What I had wanted to do was to define a bunch of source blocks and then
at the end of the heading to tangle them all into a file. This was just
a natural thing to do while /in the flow/ and *not* thinking about the
document structure.

Here is the simplest possible example.

| * Demo
|   :noweb-ref: demo
|   :END:
| #+begin_src emacs-lisp
| (message "demo")
| #+end_src
| #+begin_src emacs-lisp
| (message "this")
| #+end_src
| #+begin_src sh :tangle ~/tmp/demo.el :noweb yes
| «demo»
| #+end_src

  When you try and tangle this, you get the error:

        file-truename: Variable binding depth exceeds

  You can increase the size but it will run out:
  │ (setq max-specpdl-size 1500)

  Feel like I have caused an endless loop by asking babel to collect all
  references to `demo' and place them inside of a sourceblock, when that
  sourceblock itself will be collected. That said, I'm not sure where to
  go next and simply moved it up one heading.

  • What did I do wrong here?
  • Am I the only one to ever encounter this?
    • Web search did not reveal a lot quickly

  Here is the org and emacs version
  │ (org-version nil t)

  │ Org-mode version 8.2.7c (8.2.7c-25-g1faeb4-elpaplus @

  │ (emacs-version)

  │ GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0
AppKit 1265.2)
  │  of 2014-07-03 on orion

  Kind regards,


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