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Re: [O] How to make footnotes be fnlocal by default?

From: William Denton
Subject: Re: [O] How to make footnotes be fnlocal by default?
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2015 21:22:42 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.02 (DEB 1266 2009-07-14)

Thanks, Kyle and Rasmus.

Attached is a tiny patch to add mention of this variable in the section of the docs where all those options are listed.


On 16 June 2015, Rasmus wrote:

William Denton <address@hidden> writes:

I'm writing something with a bunch of footnotes and instead of doing
them by hand I'm using C-c C-x f, which in the usual Emacs/Org way
strikes me as a more difficult at first but then turns into magic.

By default, adding a footnote puts it at the bottom of the document.
This is because of org-footnote-define-inline:

'Non-nil means define footnotes inline, at reference location. When
nil, footnotes will be defined in a special section near the end of
the document. When t, the [fn:label:definition] notation will be used
to define the footnote at the reference position."

However, there are three (not two) possible options available in
STARTUP options:

fninline    define footnotes inline
fnnoinline  define footnotes in separate section
fnlocal     define footnotes near first reference, but not inline

I found I like fnlocal, which puts the footnotes at the bottom of the
paragraph or section, where they are nearby and easy to see.

I'd like to make this the default in all Org files by setting
org-footnote-define-inline, but it seems I can't---all I can definte
that way are the fninline and fnnoinline options.  Am I correct?  Is
there some way around this, or perhaps a (setq
org-footnote-define-inline 'fnlocal) setting could be added?

How about:
   (setq org-footnote-section nil)


William Denton ↔  Toronto, Canada ↔  https://www.miskatonic.org/

Attachment: footnote.patch
Description: Text Data

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