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Re: [O] Losing trust in Org: stable org-mode releases and unit tests for

From: Marco Wahl
Subject: Re: [O] Losing trust in Org: stable org-mode releases and unit tests for basic functionality
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 10:00:35 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Karl,

> * Marco Wahl <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Further I think you can improve Org's reliability (and your perception
>> on it) by investing more energy into Org.  Obviously you already do
>> invest energy into Org as your contributions on this list show.  You
>> cold go ahead and start reading Org's code, writing tests, etc.  Each
>> action would give you more confidence with Org.
> I can follow your thoughts here.

> Unfortunately, my elisp knowledge is still to basic to think of
> writing ERT tests for my typical use-cases and add them to
> org-mode/testing/list/* :-(

Hopefully you will find time to dig into elisp!

> I was not able to even locate a simple "mark a simple recurring todo
> as done"-test in the current testset. Is it true, that there is no
> such test so far?

I also could not find such test.  This means potential for more tests.

Best wishes,
Marco Wahl
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