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Re: [O] ox-hugo-like "DWIM" cope for other exporters?

From: Kaushal Modi
Subject: Re: [O] ox-hugo-like "DWIM" cope for other exporters?
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 13:44:07 -0400

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 8:23 PM Thomas S. Dye <address@hidden> wrote:
Aloha Matt,

I've often wished LaTeX export had this capability.  I'd certainly be happy if this were a feature of all the exporters.

Hello Tom, Matt,

I can work on a DWIM scope that's generic. For ox-hugo, the criteria for the start of export scope is simple: EXPORT_FILE_NAME must not be "". I believe this should apply to other exporter backends too. (I needed, that criteria can be made configurable too).

@Nicolas: If this another scope can be baked into the existing exporters in Org source, I can get working on it.

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