Yeah, I was hoping to just have an HTML page or something that could be put on Github or just sent in an email attachment, where checking checkboxes would update the fraction cookie.
Oh, my. I would not have imagined that setting up Emacspeak could be so complicated. Was your initial thought that if you could export the mechanisms in your assignment to interactive HTML (of whatever form) then you could let the browsers and their various accessibility APIs (of which I should confess right now I have almost no knowledge) to present that interactive content in whatever way the consumer of said content has requested?
I'm far from being an expert, but I've spent my share of time hacking around and I think there are a variety of ways that one could embed something like _javascript_ (I know, not an ideal choice of languages) in a variety of ways at several stages in the composition-to-export process that could render the output "live" if it was sufficiently simple. And while I'm especially bad at this part, a long time ago I had limited success wrapping some transformations in lisp within Org-mode and I've seen others perform similar trickery with greater success.
Well, some teachers are blind, which means Emacspeak, and Spacemax does have visual stuff, so Emacspeak may not work well with that. I’ll have to try Doom Emacs though, maybe that’ll work better. The bigger problem though, is that Emacspeak relies on speech servers, and the one for Windows hasn’t been updated in… quite a while. I just want not only myself and technically inclined sighted teachers to be able to access this, plus its good to have accessible teaching tools no matter what, because you never know when another blind person may want to use it later on.
A friend showed me Org-mode running in spacemacs a few years back, and I was pretty impressed with how well it seemed to be working, though I haven't messed with it much myself. Especially not sure how much sugar it offers as far as sharing a particular experience with new users, but at the very least you should be able to include basic usage instructions within the Org file? You know...I believe some people have gotten emacs running in browser... You could do it by compiling it to wasm. So in theory you could create a completely in-browser emacs which is optimized primarily for org mode usage.
Would be kind of an awesome thing for someone to tackle as it would greatly increase the reach of org. Not easy though. Could probably be a whole thesis project.
Not sure how well it would work with screen readers and other accessibility tech though. That would be even more work
On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 03:38:43PM -0500, Devin Prater wrote:
> Now, I do wish I could share these “self-grading” performance tests with
> others. I’ve tried exporting one to HTML, but the grade doesn’t seem to update
> automatically like it does in Org-mode.
Unfortunately updating the count is performed by a hook in Org when you use C-c
C-c to check/uncheck a box. That information is static in the text, and static
in html.
I'm not aware of a built-in way to handle that case. Sorry.
Russell Adams
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