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Re: [org-cite, oc-csl] setting no-link parameter within document?

From: Denis Maier
Subject: Re: [org-cite, oc-csl] setting no-link parameter within document?
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2021 14:01:12 +0200

Am 04.06.2021 um 13:50 schrieb Bruce D'Arcus:
I see the processor has a org-cite-csl-link-cites defcustom to set
this globally, but can one set it at the document level?

Further explanation:

The default hyperref settings in latex export in general are too much,
with boxes everywhere and garish colors.

When coupled with a note style with bibliography, like
chicago-note-bibliography-16th-edition.csl, it's overwhelming, Notably
each footnoted text becomes linked. And in that case, the linked data
is redundant. Example and screenshots here:


So I can imagine a user generally leaving the defcustom set to true,
but on individual documents (like with the chicago example) wanting to
turn it off.

Note that one can, per the thread I link to above, turn off links, or
modify their colors, using hyperref. But that's specific to the latex
export, and I don't think (?) there's an easy way to set that at the
document level.

Ok, I first thought you can just add the configuration to the LATEX_HEADER keywords, but that won't work since everything in there is loaded before hyperref.

So, I guess a LATEX_HYPERSETUP could make sense?

In the meantime users can just use a hyperref.cfg file to store their settings.



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