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ob-plantuml: Proposal to add 'jar-args' customizable variable

From: Dejan Josifović
Subject: ob-plantuml: Proposal to add 'jar-args' customizable variable
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2021 23:56:40 +0100
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Hi all,

I use PlantUML integration in org-mode for years now, but only
recently I came across some unwanted behavior.

Using PlantUML from jar (org-plantuml-jar-path variable) and latest org-mode, I wanted to render a diagram containing some Unicode characters (such as '⊥' and '∀'), but the end image had some gibberish instead. However, trying this from a standalone file using plantuml-mode[1], the end image rendered correctly. Here is some sample code which can reproduce the issue:

#+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file ./test.png
A -> B: ∀ characters display correctly is ⊥

Comparing ob-plantuml.el and plantuml-mode.el files I found what is the problem. plantuml-mode has a customizable variable for specifying arguments when using PlantUML from jar (plantuml-jar-args (list "-charset" "UTF-8" ). The charset arguments is what is needed for
the images to render correctly (I confirmed it by implementing it locally).

I was wondering why such variable doesn't exist in ob-plantuml. I have
searched the mailing list archives, confirmed bugs and help page and couldn't find anything related.

Does anyone from the community know if such variable was deliberately omitted? If so, what is the reason?

If this is indeed a wanted feature, I will be more than happy to provide a patch.

[1] https://github.com/skuro/plantuml-mode

Thanks and regards,

Dejan Josifović | Дејан Јосифовић
Software engineer | Софтверски инжењер

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