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Re: Export Org with Org concept -- Re: Problems with C-c C-e file.org,

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Export Org with Org concept -- Re: Problems with C-c C-e file.org,
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2023 22:19:11 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.9+54 (af2080d) (2022-11-21)

* Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> [2023-01-05 14:16]:
> Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:
> > Though, we speak here of non-blicking Org Export, and there are many
> > ways to do it, we speak of decisions that are not user friendly, made
> > before more than 10 years.
> >
> > There was enough time to use whatever one wish. I can't wait for
> > somebody in mainstream Org to make it user friendly, mouse clickable,
> > and so there is enough of it for you to adapt it to your own needs as
> > in main stream. 
> I was hoping that you might be interested to provide a patch for Org
> upstream.

Question is: did you try it out?

Once you try it out, then let me know to continue.

The Concept and More Ideas:

1. You can create derived mode, for example Org derived mode.

2. You can create key bindings freely for that derived mode.

3. You can create read-only, temporary buffers for export in that
   derived mode.

4. Because it is read only, similar to modal modes, you do not need
   complicated key bindings, you don't need to use C-combinations for
   few simple things, use simply letter. 

5. Though it implies you can use same key bindings for
   "compatibility", but I would say it rather honestly for bad habits,
   as in the derived.

6. Thus you may make toggling functions.

7. You are free to draw in the buffer and give to user visual feedback
   of what you have toggled or set. Draw it as you wish, ON/OFF or
   BODY/SCOPE, or similar.

8. Use global variables for toggling of Org export settings.

9. Constuct Org elisp: links, but do they support key bindings? You
   can define both.

10. You could even "remember" the global variables in such Org export
    file simply by using file variables.  

11. Org links could provide export.


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