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(jit-lock-function 1) signaled (error "Stack overflow in regexp matcher"

From: William Denton
Subject: (jit-lock-function 1) signaled (error "Stack overflow in regexp matcher")
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 20:40:02 +0000

I am having a problem I've never seen before: Org can't handle anything more in 
a large file I have!

This file is where I keep my notes day to day for work, with headings for 
months and days and categories of work, with a lot of notes and clocking in and 
out.  It has about 10,000 lines and is about 550K in size.

When I add today's notes to the file (fifty lines and ten clockings), it starts 
throwing these errors:

File mode specification error: (error Stack overflow in regexp matcher)
Error during redisplay: (jit-lock-function 1) signaled (error "Stack overflow 
in regexp matcher")
Error during redisplay: (jit-lock-function 1501) signaled (error "Stack 
overflow in regexp matcher")
Error during redisplay: (jit-lock-function 3001) signaled (error "Stack 
overflow in regexp matcher")

Org works, but it's not displaying properly: no fancy bullets, no proportional 
spacing, no font size differences---it looks like I was running it in terminal 
mode.  This makes sense if the problem is with font locking.

If I remove today's notes and reload, everything looks fine.  If I add in even 
one more heading and reload, it chokes again and the formatting is all lost.

I turned on debugging and restarted, and got a big stack trace, which I will 
paste in below.  If "marker at 770" means line 770 then I don't know what's 
going on, because it's just regular stuff there and around it.

What can I do to determine where the problem is?  Any help appreciated.


William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Stack overflow in regexp matcher")
 nil t)
  org-do-latex-and-related(#<marker at 770 in work-diary.org>)
  font-lock-fontify-keywords-region(522 #<marker at 770 in work-diary.org> nil)
  font-lock-default-fontify-region(522 #<marker at 770 in work-diary.org> nil)
  font-lock-fontify-region(522 #<marker at 770 in work-diary.org>)
  #f(compiled-function (beg end) #<bytecode -0x348042b06e77250>)(522 #<marker 
at 770 in work-diary.org>)
  font-lock-ensure(522 #<marker at 770 in work-diary.org>)
  org-table-map-tables(org-table-align t)
  set-auto-mode-0(org-mode nil)
  set-auto-mode--apply-alist((("\\.yml$" . yaml-mode) 
 . nxml-mode) ("\\.[pP][dD][fF]\\'" . pdf-view-mode) ("README\\.md\\'" . 
 . json-mode) ("\\.hva\\'" . LaTeX-mode) ("\\.tsv\\'" . tsv-mode) 
("\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]\\'" . csv-mode) ("\\.[Ss][Aa][Ss]\\'" . SAS-mode) 
("\\.Sout\\'" . S-transcript-mode) ("\\.[Ss]t\\'" . S-transcript-mode) 
("\\.Rd\\'" . Rd-mode) ("DESCRIPTION\\'" . conf-colon-mode) 
("/Makevars\\(\\.win\\)?\\'" . makefile-mode) ("\\.[Rr]out\\'" . 
ess-r-transcript-mode) ("CITATION\\'" . ess-r-mode) ("NAMESPACE\\'" . 
ess-r-mode) ("\\.[rR]profile\\'" . ess-r-mode) ("\\.[rR]\\'" . ess-r-mode) 
("/R/.*\\.q\\'" . ess-r-mode) ("\\.[Jj][Aa][Gg]\\'" . ess-jags-mode) 
("\\.[Bb][Mm][Dd]\\'" . ess-bugs-mode) ("\\.[Bb][Oo][Gg]\\'" . ess-bugs-mode) 
("\\.[Bb][Uu][Gg]\\'" . ess-bugs-mode) ("/git-rebase-todo\\'" . 
git-rebase-mode) ("\\.\\(?:md\\|markdown\\|mkd\\|mdown\\|mkdn\\|mdwn\\)\\'" . 
markdown-mode) ("\\.\\(e?ya?\\|ra\\)ml\\'" . yaml-mode) 
("\\.gpg\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'" nil epa-file) ("\\.elc\\'" . 
elisp-byte-code-mode) ("\\.zst\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.dz\\'" nil jka-compr) 
("\\.xz\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.lzma\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.lz\\'" nil 
jka-compr) ("\\.g?z\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.bz2\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.Z\\'" 
nil jka-compr) ("\\.vr[hi]?\\'" . vera-mode) 
 . ruby-mode) ("\\.re?st\\'" . rst-mode) ("/\\(?:Pipfile\\|\\.?flake8\\)\\'" . 
conf-mode) ("\\.py[iw]?\\'" . python-mode) ("\\.m\\'" . octave-maybe-mode) 
("\\.less\\'" . less-css-mode) ("\\.scss\\'" . scss-mode) ("\\.cs\\'" . 
csharp-mode) ("\\.awk\\'" . awk-mode) 
("\\.\\(u?lpc\\|pike\\|pmod\\(\\.in\\)?\\)\\'" . pike-mode) ("\\.idl\\'" . 
idl-mode) ("\\.java\\'" . java-mode) ...) nil nil)
  after-find-file(nil nil)
  find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer work-diary.org> 
"~/york/shared/work-diaries/work-diary.org" :nowarn nil 
"~/york/shared/work-diaries/work-diary-2023-2024.org" (10227922 66310))
 "work-diary.org" nil)
"/home/wdenton/york/shared/work-diaries/work-diary.org" "work-diary.org" 
org-mode (org-superstar-mode font-lock-mode visual-line-mode corfu-mode 
anzu-mode yas-minor-mode undo-tree-mode git-gutter-mode) 498814 (nil nil) nil 
nil ((tab-width . 8) (buffer-display-time 26062 29404 998251 639000) 
(buffer-file-coding-system . utf-8-unix) (truncate-lines)) ((mark-ring nil)))
"/home/wdenton/.emacs.d/.emacs.desktop" t t)
  load("/home/wdenton/.emacs.d/.emacs.desktop" t t t)
  #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x16169355fdebf11b>)()
  run-hooks(after-init-hook delayed-warnings-hook)

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