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Re: [BUG] org-lint: Spurious warning by 'suspicious-language-in-src-bloc

From: Suhail Singh
Subject: Re: [BUG] org-lint: Spurious warning by 'suspicious-language-in-src-block [9.7.2 (release_N/A-N/A-88dd2c @ /home/user/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.7.2/)]
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2024 19:49:48 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

> Indeed. But I wanted to nudge you to do a bit better :)

"Better" here is subjective and we have a difference in opinion, which
is okay.  While I am not motivated to submit such an alternative patch,
I also am not aware of any common usecases that would become much more
complicated as a result of it.

> Further, the distant goal is to implement integration of org-lint into
> flycheck/flymake. And we do need user-level config for which checkers
> should be enabled for "full" org-lint check and for "quick" check on
> the fly then.

I am unfamiliar with flymake, but since flycheck checkers run in a
different Emacs process, the patch I sent is sufficient.  FWIW, I have
been using an org-lint flycheck checker for several months now.  The
code for the checker, if curious, is adapted from
<https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck/pull/2031>.  If flymake doesn't
use a different Emacs process and your goal is to be able to support it
easily, it makes sense to extend the current API in a manner similar to
what you proposed.


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