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Re: [ANN] Org mode 9.7 is out

From: Juergen Fenn
Subject: Re: [ANN] Org mode 9.7 is out
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 13:55:22 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Am 06.06.24 um 08:20 Uhr schrieb Visuwesh:
> Thanks for the analysis.  Given that Alan says GNUStep cannot handle
> non-text clipboard items, I cannot propose anything myself.  It would be
> nice if a Mac user can write a report and send it to the Emacs
> developers.  Perhaps Juergen can do it?

Of course, I /could/ do this, but given the fact that you have already
found out about /some/ internals wouldn't it be better a macOS/NextStep
developer would look into this in the first place and hence write the
report with some somre insight?

> There was a bug report about yank-media failing in Mac yesterday or
> thereabouts so I think the clipboard situation in Mac has a lot to
> improve.  Hopefully with Org's yank-media support the situation will
> improve.

This was the other report yesterday:



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