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Re: Agenda export to ics file

From: John Helly
Subject: Re: Agenda export to ics file
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 10:02:28 -1000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Sure.  Thanks for the reply.

1) I put this line at the top of the org file

-*- org-icalendar-use-deadline: t;  -*-

and then run the command

M-x icalendar-export-to-ics

This produces an *.ics file but it has only past events (mostly TODOs).  I don't see any sign of upcoming events that I typically have long lead times on (e.g., -180d).  So I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.

2) When I do the same thing on a different machine, I get a message that

'Symbol’s value as variable is void: org-agenda-default-appointment-duration'

and no *.ics file is written.

Any help appreciated.

On 6/7/24 05:06, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
John Helly <hellyj@ucsd.edu> writes:

I'm a long-time user of emacs, org-mode for about 10 years but cannot
figure out how to export DEADLINE events from org-agenda to

I've found references to setting the


variable but haven't yet found the successful incantation to do that.
May you showcase what exactly you tried?

John Helly / San Diego Supercomputer Center / Scripps Institution of 
https://www.sdsc.edu/~hellyj / 808 205 9882 / 760 8408660

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