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Re: [PATCH] function and symbol for headline and olp for org-capture-tem

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: [PATCH] function and symbol for headline and olp for org-capture-templates
Date: Sun, 09 Jun 2024 17:03:14 +0000

Nafiz Islam <nafiz.islam1000@gmail.com> writes:

>> I tried to run make test with your patch, and it is failing:
> On my side it passes on main branch at commit 
> 6c862699a6db3f6b76391c05380d92d9f1b3838f with patch.
>     passed   444/1207  test-org-capture/entry (0.099791 sec)
>     ...
>     passed   447/1207  test-org-capture/org-capture-expand-olp (0.001104 sec)
> Apparently, you get
> `"* A\n** B\n*** 1970\n**** 1970-01 January\n***** 1970-01-01 
> Thursday\n****** H1 Capture text\n** C\n"'
> Whereas I get the expected result of
> `"* A\n** B\n*** 1969\n**** 1969-12 December\n***** 1969-12-31 
> Wednesday\n****** H1 Capture text\n** C\n"'
> What do you get if you evaluate `(calendar-gregorian-from-absolute 
> (time-to-days 0))'? I get `(12 31 1969)'.
> I set `org-overriding-default-time' to `0' for testing with datetree.

I get (1 1 1970).

It is probably more reliable to use `org-test-at-time' macro.

>>> I don't have to additionally test for whether the lambda (as a target) 
>>> is actually called while visiting the file right?
>> May you elaborate what you mean?
> So I've written a test for lambda-based target.
> (should
>     (equal
>      "* A\n* B\n** H1 Capture text\n* C\n"
>      (org-test-with-temp-text-in-file "* A\n* B\n* C\n"
>        (let* ((file (buffer-file-name))
>            (org-capture-templates
>             `(("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline ,file ,(lambda () "B")) "** H1 
> %?"))))
>       (org-capture nil "t")
>       (insert "Capture text")
>       (org-capture-finalize))
>        (buffer-string))))
> But it does not verify that the lambda `(lambda () "B")' is actually being 
> called while
> visiting the file which would allow reading the file to compute or generate a 
> headline.
> So I'm wondering if I should write a test for that too. Maybe for each new 
> lambda target?

You can. Maybe even as a part of the above test (and similar):

`(("t" "Todo"
    (lambda ()
      (should (equal ,file (buffer-file-name)))
   "** H1 %?"))

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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