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Re: org-element--cache: Added org-data parent to non-headline element

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: org-element--cache: Added org-data parent to non-headline element
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 10:34:51 +0000

martyhiatt@riseup.net writes:

> i'm encountering an error repeatedly in my work. (i know elisp but not org 
> well, i also don't know how to report bugs, so apologies if i'm doing it 
> wrong.
> how i encounter it:
> - working in an org file, i call clone-indirect-buffer-other-window.
> - i narrow parent buffer to a subtree, and cloned buffer i open in another 
> frame
> - in cloned buffer, i move some headings or list items around, and at some 
> point the org parsing breaks. so eg if i move a heading, it doesn't correctly 
> calculate the end of the subtree but moves part of the next subtree with it 
> (it splits it in the middle for example).
> - i get an warning like so:
> #+begin_example
> ⛔ Warning (org-element): org-element--cache: Added org-data parent to
> non-headline element...

I have addressed some edge cases with indirect buffers on Org 9.7.
When you finish with urgent work, may your please try upgrading?

> ...
> i'm currently not able to upgrade to next org version as i don't want my 
> config to break while working on this project.

Meanwhile, you can set `org-element-use-cache' to nil. This will disable
the cache and get rid of the error for the time being.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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