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Re: imenu vs. refile goto (was Re: [PATCH] lisp/org-compat.el: Allow usi

From: Morgan Smith
Subject: Re: imenu vs. refile goto (was Re: [PATCH] lisp/org-compat.el: Allow using imenu to visit non-leaf headlines)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 07:35:52 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Samuel Wales <samologist@gmail.com> writes:

> how does imenu compare against completion systems like ido combined with org
> refile set to goto?  when would you use imenu vs. other completion?

For my specific use case, all I want is a simple minibuffer completion
that offers me all the headings in the current buffer and allows me to
jump to the one I select.  Something which sounds easy, but in practice
I haven't found a good solution yet.

I assume you are suggesting `C-u M-x org-refile'.  This is a solution I
haven't seen before.  Being the refile command doesn't make it an
intuitive solution and I wonder if users would be able to find this
easily (I wasn't able to).

In order to get completion for subheadings I had to add this to my
configuration file:
`(setopt org-refile-targets '((nil . (:maxlevel . 5))))'

I'm actually quite pleased with this interface and it is really nice.
It is exactly what I'm trying to get from imenu.

My only gripe is that it is org specific whereas imenu isn't.  If I get
imenu working the way I like, then I'll benefit in other modes as well.

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