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Re: [PATCH] lisp/org-compat.el: Allow using imenu to visit non-leaf head

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: [PATCH] lisp/org-compat.el: Allow using imenu to visit non-leaf headlines
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 15:50:21 +0000

Morgan Smith <Morgan.J.Smith@outlook.com> writes:

> With a file like this:
> * headline 1
> ** headline 2
> We currently produce an imenu tree that looks like this:
> '(("headline 1" ("headline 2" . marker-2)))
> imenu has no clue where "headline 1" is located and thus the user
> can't navigate to it.  With this patch installed imenu knows where
> non-leaf headlines are as the tree will now look like this:
> '(("headline 1" . marker-1)
>   ("headline 1" ("headline 2" . marker-2)))

This makes sense.

> Quirks:
> With the default `imenu-flatten' value of nil, it is still impossible
> to visit non-leaf headlines and no change is perceived.

But no regressions, right? Especially in older Emacs versions with
`imenu-flatten' not yet available.

> Setting `imenu-flatten' to 'group works as expected with the quirk
> that top level headlines don't end up in the group.

We may add a top-level group, can't we?

> Ex:
> * Headline 1
> Group is "*"
> Setting the group to "Headline 1" somehow might be nice but would
> require upstream changes in imenu.
> ** Headline 2
> Group is "Headline 1"
> *** Headline 3
> Group is "Headline 1:Headline 2"
> Everything seems to work as expected when `imenu-flatten' is set to
> 'prefix or 'annotation.

We may also consider changing the default value of `imenu-flatten' in
Org buffers to non-nil. But what would be the best default?

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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