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Re: [PATCH] ob-lua: Support all types and multiple values in results

From: Rudolf Adamkovič
Subject: Re: [PATCH] ob-lua: Support all types and multiple values in results
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 22:37:17 +0200

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

> It is not a bug or feature. It is syntax of Org mode macros. Commas
> separate macro arguments and must be escaped otherwise.

It transcendents both bugs and features. :)

I will consider it a feature then (as per the traditional terminology,
where a "feature" means "works as specified"), and so I will expect the
commas in my tests.

Thank you, Ihor!

"Music is the mathematics of the sense, mathematics is the music of the reason."
--- James Joseph Sylvester, 1814-1897

Rudolf Adamkovič <rudolf@adamkovic.org> [he/him]

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