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Re: Please document the caching and its user options

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Please document the caching and its user options
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 13:41:34 +0300

> From: Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net>
> Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org, emacs-devel@gnu.org, michael.albinus@gmx.de
> Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 09:05:02 +0000
> Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:
> >> I was referring to some kind of global option that defines cache
> >> directory, data directory, etc. Something akin XDG.
> >
> > We already have xdg-cache-home (and a few others in xdg.el).  Is that
> > what you meant?
> Yes, except that `xdg-cache-home' is limited:
> 1. It cannot be customized by users

Of course it can: just make the default value of a defcustom be
derived by xdg-cache-home, and users can then customize the option to
a different value if they want.

> 2. It may sometimes return nil

The fallback is well-known.

> 3. It is limited to XDG - not all the Emacs platforms

No, it's supported on all platforms, even if XDG isn't.

> What I had in mind is a new custom option for cache dir (defaulting to
> OS-specific cache like XDG on Linux or something equivalent on Windows)
> + a new API function like `system-cache-home' that will be guaranteed to
> return some kind of meaningful dir.

Using xdg-cache-home and its fallbacks is a de-facto standard of
solving this in Emacs, and it supports all the platforms.  Even
startup.el uses it (albeit by customized code, to avoid interfering
with user customizations) when looking for init files and suchlikes.

So I think you raise a problem that is already solved in Emacs.

> >> Also, caching is not as simple, because caches may contain sensitive
> >> data. (see
> >> https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/CAM9ALR8fuSu0YWS1SehRw7sYxprJFX-r2juXd_DgvCYVKQc95Q@mail.gmail.com/)
> >> Some users may want to move caches to read-restricted location
> >> or even to location dependent on where the cache is originating from
> >> (separate caches depending on whether default-directory is from
> >> encrypted volume, remote mount, etc)
> >
> > AFAIK, Emacs has APIs for at least some of that, but whether to use
> > them is up to the application, I think.
> What are those APIs?

Making files and directories readable only by the owner, for example:
set-file-modes and with-file-modes.  All the other Lisp programs in
Emacs use that, so why would Org need something special?

> >> Finally, we got several requests to have caches cleared up upon exiting
> >> Emacs, which is also something that should be better managed centrally,
> >> by Emacs, for all possible kinds of cache/history data.
> >
> > Deleting files in a directory, recursively if needed, is already
> > available.  is that what you meant?
> No. I mean a new user option like `clear-caches-on-exit' that will work
> across all the packages.

Having a single option for all the caches makes little sense to me.
This must be a per-cache setting.

However, users on XDG platforms can have that via XDG system-wide

> Having to set this for each specific package (with some packages not
> documenting that they use cache, or users not expecting that cache may
> be used and not reading _all_ the docs carefully enough) is not ideal,

I cannot disagree more.  Each cache has its own logic for when it is a
good time to empty the cache.

> > Can we first fix the problems for which I started this thread?  The
> > more general issues should be subjects of separate discussions, IMO.
> If there is a global Emacs-wide customization how to handle caches,
> there will be no need to document it in Org mode manual.

I respectfully ask the Org developers to solve this particular issue
first, without waiting for some hypothetical general Emacs feature,
which may or may not materialize.

> like to see if introducing such global customization is feasible before
> making non-trivial changes to Org manual. (I am not even sure where to
> document these things in the manual yet; they seem way too generic wrt
> Org mode's scope)

A new chapter should be fine, if no existing chapter is relevant.


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