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Re: ob-shell: possibly missing initiate-session functions?

From: Suhail Singh
Subject: Re: ob-shell: possibly missing initiate-session functions?
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 18:54:06 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Matt <matt@excalamus.com> writes:

> I agree, defining an alias within "org-babel-shell-initialize" seems
> reasonable.  However, it's important that "explicit-shell-file-name"
> is set to the appropriate shell name.  In your case, I suspect it's a
> coincidence that aliasing "org-babel-sh-initiate-session" works.  A
> "shell" block defaults to "explicit-shell-file-name".  This, I
> suspect, is "bash" in your case, yet may be something different on
> another system.

In my case, explicit-shell-file-name has the default value of nil.
However, shell-file-name (which is initialized from $SHELL) is

> The alias would need to close over "explicit-shell-file-name" like is
> done with "org-babel-execute:name".

And what should be done in the case of org-babel-shell-initiate-session?
Should shell-file-name and explicit-shell-file-name remain unaltered
from their existing settings in that case?

I'm happy to send a patch, though it may be simpler for you to do so
yourself in case you have write-access.  Please let me know.


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