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Re: [PATCH] lisp/org-clock.el (org-clock-sum): Rewrite regex using rx

From: Morgan Smith
Subject: Re: [PATCH] lisp/org-clock.el (org-clock-sum): Rewrite regex using rx
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 14:24:08 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

>> Ideally the fix in that commit should be ported to the org-element API.
>> Notably, the malformed clock from the email thread from that commit is
>> parsed a little strangely by org-element.  I'm not sure what effect this
>> has on my rewrite patch but regardless, we should probably fix this.
>> Notice how ":day-end" and ":minute-end" are set but not ":hour-start" or
>> ":minute-start".
> That's expected.
> We have the following _syntax_ description for clock lines:
> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-syntax.html#Clocks...
> And [2012-01-01 sun. 00rr:01] is a perfectly valid timestamp without
> time part. Org does allow arbitrary additional text in the timestamps.
> (it is by design, to allow future extensions of the syntax, like the
> planned timezone support)

My specific issue is that the ":*-end" stuff can be set when the
"*-start" stuff is not.

Running the following snippet on the following file results in this:

======= snippet
 (lambda (clock)
   "Calculate end-time - start-time"
   (let ((timestamp (org-element-property :value clock)))
     (- (float-time (org-timestamp-to-time timestamp t))
        (float-time (org-timestamp-to-time timestamp)))))
 :granularity 'element
 :restrict-elements 'clock)

======== file
* Test
CLOCK: [2023-11-15 Wed 15:26]--[2023-11-15 Wed 16:12] =>  0:46
calculated time: 2760.0
CLOCK: [2023-11-15 Wed 15rr:26]--[2023-11-15 Wed 16:12] =>  0:46
calculated time: 58320.0
CLOCK: [2023-11-15 Wed 15:26]--[2023-11-15 Wed 16rr:12] =>  0:46
calculated time: 0.0
CLOCK: [2023-11-15 Wed 15rr:26]--[2023-11-15 Wed 16rr:12] =>  0:46
calculated time: 0.0

======= results
(2760.0 58320.0 0.0 0.0)

What this shows is that an invalid end will cause the entry to be
ignored, but an invalid start will not.

We can totally claim that this is a feature, not a bug, if you would
like.  As this essentially treats
"CLOCK: [2023-11-15 Wed 15rr:26]--[2023-11-15 Wed 16:12] =>  0:46"
"CLOCK: [2023-11-15 Wed]--[2023-11-15 Wed 16:12] => 16:12"

If this is a feature then my previous patch is actually ready to merge.

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