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Re: [POLL] We plan to remove #+LINK: ...%(my-function) placeholder from

From: Suhail Singh
Subject: Re: [POLL] We plan to remove #+LINK: ...%(my-function) placeholder from link abbreviation spec
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 13:55:12 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Steven Allen <steven@stebalien.com> writes:

> The concern is that, e.g., there may b a function _marked_ as pure
> that's not actually pure, leaks some information, and/or has a
> security vulnerability (e.g., a C function exposed to lisp that's
> marked as pure but internally has, e.g., a buffer overflow).

Are there any functions marked as pure, by default?

> 1. Allow them in both #+LINK: lines and the global
> org-link-abbrev-alist.
> 2. Allow them in org-link-abbrev-alist only.
> 3. Remove them entirely.

If no functions are marked as pure by default, 1 seems reasonable to me.
If some functions are marked as pure by default (by Emacs / Org mode),
then 2 seems reasonable.  I believe 3 is excessive.


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