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Re: Summation of effort estimates in columnview dblock

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: Summation of effort estimates in columnview dblock
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2024 12:08:04 +0000

Alexander Adolf <alexander.adolf@condition-alpha.com> writes:

>> Not sure here. %EFFORT should not count. I tried the following:
>> #+COLUMNS: %EFFORT{mean} %EFFORT{+}
> ...
> Consider this example:
> ...
> The EFFORT and TIME_ESTIMATE properties for "Task 1" will never get
> updated for as long as the column specification without summary comes
> first. Swap the order of columns for EFFORT, or TIME_ESTIMATE, and the
> respective property of "Task 1" will get updated.
> Thus, the computation of the parent values is done as expected. The only
> thing that seems determined by the first column specification for a
> property, is the updating of the parent property's value.

I confirm.
This is because the underlying code that limits the updates to "first
occurrence", suppress updates even if the first occurrence does not have
any summary.

I'd call it a bug. Although, I am not a big fan of this idea with
modifying the headings by side effect.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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