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Re: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?

From: Tor-björn Claesson
Subject: Re: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 15:18:05 +0300

Hi and thanks for replying!

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:
> I do think that having extended menus for org-open-at-point could be
> useful. Not by default, but, for example, with a prefix argument.

This is a good point, but of much larger scope than just replacing the
follower of the basic citation-processor.

> Your example demonstrates the following options:
> 1. Plain old opening bibtex entry
> 2. Copying citation key
> 3. Opening DOI-derived link in browser
> 4. Opening PDF (but I am not sure how you want to find the PDF name from
>    bibtex record)
> I am not sure how useful is copying the citation key, but various extra
> menus like opening DOI/ISBN/URL links might be of use.
> PDFs might be useful, but it is not clear how to know where such PDF is
> located for arbitrary user.
> Any other suggestions?
> Maybe from
> https://github.com/jkitchin/org-ref/blob/fd178abf12a85f8e12005d1df683564bdc534124/org-ref-citation-links.el#L525
>  ?

Notes and PDF depends heavily on user preferences - and should maybe be
left out for now? org-ref allows customizing org-ref-open-pdf-function,
with a default one using bibtex-completion-find-pdf, which finds a pdf in
bibtex-completion-library-path called citekey with one of the extension
listed in bibtex-completion-pdf-extension.

Maybe it is a good idea to start small, for example provide
1. Open bibtex-entry
2. Copy DOI
3. Opening DOI/ISBN/URL links in browser

Further functionality can easily be added per user, and good solutions
incorporated by default in the future?

I have played some more with this - would it be a good idea to include
macros to get citekey, datum and _? I would be happy to clean this up a
bit, add DOI/ISBN/URL-functionality, documentation and prepare a bug 

(defmacro org-cite-basic-follow--citekey ()
  '(org-element-property :key (car (oref (transient-prefix-object) scope))))

(defmacro org-cite-basic-follow--datum ()
  '(car  (oref (transient-prefix-object) scope)))

(defmacro org-cite-basic-follow--_ ()
  '(cadr (oref (transient-prefix-object) scope)))

(transient-define-prefix org-cite-basic-follow (datum _)
  "How should we follow references?"
    ("b" "bibliography entry"
     (lambda ()
    ("d" "DOI"
     (lambda ()
            (mapc #'insert-file-contents org-cite-global-bibliography)
            (bibtex-set-dialect (parsebib-find-bibtex-dialect) t)
            (bibtex-search-entry (org-cite-basic-follow--citekey))
            (setq doi (bibtex-autokey-get-field "doi"))
            (replace-regexp-in-string "^http://dx.doi.org/"; "" doi))))))]]
  (transient-setup 'org-cite-basic-follow nil nil :scope (list 

Best regards,
Tor-björn Claesson

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