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Re: [BUG] Org-protocol bookmarklets in Firefox behaving badly after rece

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: [BUG] Org-protocol bookmarklets in Firefox behaving badly after recent upgrade [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /usr/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/org/)]
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 17:34:34 +0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 12/12/2024 15:12, Rehan Deen wrote:
     URLSearchParams({url:location.href, title:document.title});

Try to add "(void)"

However bookmarklets are unsafe, you have to allow *web page* to launch a handler. In the case of an extension this permission may be given to the extension (but sprig/org-capture-extension still use the unsafe way).

but copying it from
`/usr/share/applications` to `~/.local/share/applications/`,

It should not be necessary. It should be enough to remove your own association. In some cases the -display="$DISPLAY" trick is important.

Interestingly, the `org-capture` extension for Firefox from
https://github.com/sprig/org-capture-extension continues to work without
producing this issue

It executes its code in another context.

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