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Re: Unexpected error using org-gnus-follow-link

From: Fraga, Eric
Subject: Re: Unexpected error using org-gnus-follow-link
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 18:15:54 +0000
User-agent: gnus (Emacs 31.0.50)

Response below/inline for email Visuwesh wrote:
> (original email sent 12 Dec 2024 at 20:32)
> A shot in the dark after looking at org-gnus-follow-link: what is the
> value of org-link-frame-setup?  Does it have the gnus entry?

Wow!  What an excellent shot in the dark. :-)

I happened to play with the orgrr package which unfortunately actually
changes that variable.  Resetting it to the default works just fine.

Many thanks.

It does beg the question: should org fail more gracefully and/or give an
error message in such a context?

Thanks again,

: Eric S Fraga, with org 9.7.17-3ae179 in Emacs 31.0.50

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