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Re: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode

From: Suhail Singh
Subject: Re: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark?
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 09:30:39 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

>> Hopefully, the description of each action will be a first-class member
>> of the "List of possible actions".  Or is the intent that the
>> description be taken from the form representing an action (e.g. a defun,
>> a lambda etc).
> Using a docstring sounds like a good idea. But it is a bit early to
> decide these details. I'd like to discuss the more general design first.

I agree that it may be premature to think about implementation details
of how docstrings are stored etc.  However, I would like to ensure that
any discussion of the design of ways-to-choose-an-action-at-point
include self-documentation and self-discovery in the desiderata.

Perhaps this goes without saying, in which case please ignore this
message.  However, it's too important to be left to chance.


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