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Re: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: Re: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark?
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 19:53:36 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/31.0.50 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

> 1. List of possible actions: ((name1 . action1 props) (name2 . action2 ...) 
> ...)
>    PROPS is a plist defining extra properties like key-binding, display
>    string, maybe something else to be used in the future.
> 2. Menu interface to use (transient, context-menu, embark, which-key)

This looks like the best design.  Any part of the org buffer could have
text properties with a list of its available actions.  Such a property
could be similar to 'context-menu-functions' handled by 'context-menu-map'.
But since it will be a plain generic list, it could be transformed to any
menu interface such as transient, context-menu, etc.

To transform it to context-menu, org-mode should provide a function
like 'context-menu-minor' that will create a corresponding menu
that will be added as a submenu of the default context menu.

Such integration with existing menus would be better than the current
implementation of context menus in org-mouse-context-menu that completely
replaces the context menu with its own.

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