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Re: [BUG] Cannot tangle src block in capture buffer [9.7.6]

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: [BUG] Cannot tangle src block in capture buffer [9.7.6]
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 17:39:01 +0000

Derek Chen-Becker <derek@chen-becker.org> writes:

> OK, after some debugging it looks like the primary culprit is the assignment 
> of source-file from buffer-file-name. A quick
> patch seems to fix it, but I can definitely see a pattern here if org 
> functions are trying to get the filename of the current
> buffer (I can submit an official patch if this looks right):
> modified   lisp/ob-tangle.el
> @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ matching a regular expression."
>         (or (cdr (assq :tangle (nth 2 (org-babel-get-src-block-info 
> 'no-eval))))
>     (user-error "Point is not in a source code block"))))
>      path-collector
> -            (source-file buffer-file-name))
> +            (source-file (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))
>   (mapc ;; map over file-names
>   (lambda (by-fn)
>     (let ((file-name (car by-fn)))

This looks right, yes.

> There are 339 uses of buffer-file-name that I can find, but most are just 
> bare (buffer-file-name). Are there any other cases
> besides indirect buffers that we would need to handle? Would it be worth 
> creating a new function "org-buffer-file-name" that
> could properly handle indirect buffers and any other special cases, or is it 
> just a search and replace throughout?

I can think of two scenarios:

1. indirect Org buffer, as you pointed
2. a new Org buffer not yet associated with file. Even base buffer will
   then have buffer-file-name returning nil

May we have a special function? If it is going to be used 339 times,
definitely yes ;) Although, I'd prefer more telling name like
`org-base-buffer-file-name' (akin the existing `org-with-base-buffer' macro)

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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