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Re: May we have a variant of display-buffer-reuse-window that considers

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: May we have a variant of display-buffer-reuse-window that considers indirect buffers?
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 20:13:14 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

>>   > 1. If there is a window displaying BUFFER, switch to that window
>>   > 2. If there is a window that is an indirect buffer of BUFFER or that
>>   >     shares the same base buffer with BUFFER, switch to that window
>> I included the facility that if there is a window whose buffer is the
>> base buffer of BUFFER use that window.  See the attached diff which I
>> did not test very thoroughly.
> Thanks!
> It seems to work, although somewhat different than I described.
> With your diff, in case (2), if BUFFER is what is passed to
> `pop-to-buffer' and BUFFER2 is indirectly related buffer displayed in a
> visible window, then BUFFER2 is replaced with BUFFER. I expected that
> BUFFER2's window will be selected; nothing more.

Hmmm...  This is not really what 'display-buffer' is supposed to do.  I
have to disguise the fact that we wanted to display BUFFER.  I attach a
new patch.


Attachment: display-indirect-buffer.diff
Description: Text Data

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