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Re: [Pre-PATCH] Overhaul of the LaTeX preview system

From: Yaroslav Drachov
Subject: Re: [Pre-PATCH] Overhaul of the LaTeX preview system
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:16:36 +0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.7; emacs 29.4

Awesome! This is exactly what I needed.

Btw, I have one other problem with org-latex-preview. Numbering of equations works perfect except for equations inside itemize/enumerate. All of them are numbered as (1), and don't contribute to overall counter. Maybe you have an idea how to fix it?

Best wishes,

Karthik Chikmagalur <karthikchikmagalur@gmail.com> writes:

Oh, it turns out that inline images are even formatted better than non-inline ones. I think problem is resolved. Thanks again!


There is only one difference in the html export formatting of inline vs linked images -- embedded svg can be styled by the export CSS, so it should respect the foreground/background colors of the webpage etc.

That said, both relative and absolute link paths should be supported via the :image-dir option in `org-html-latex-appearance-options'. If this
is not the case there is a bug.


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