Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez <> writes:
> A quick fix (on main) attached. With this ALT_TITLE is ignored in the
> document with #+OPTIONS: num:nil and if #+OPTIONS: num:t and :PROPERTIES:
I am slightly concerned about generality of dropping ALT_TITLE from
unnumbered sectioning command.
>From LaTeX2e reference manual, I see
Structure your text into divisions: parts, chapters, sections, etc. All sectioning commands
have the same form, one of:
But can we assume that unnumbered entries never appear in the table of
I do think we can. Unnumbered sectioning commands never appear in the ToC...
So I suppose the quick fix is what I sent and then we can try to implement something like:
Although it goes quite against the \section vs \section* philosophy and it would need more that a quick fix.
Best, /PA
> MWE:
> ----
> #+OPTIONS: num:t
> * Test
> :ALT_TITLE: alt
> :END:
> This is a test.
> * Numbered test
> :alt_title: alt numbered
> :END:
> This is the second part of the test.
> ----
> PS: maybe a rework of this part to make it more readable could be
> desirable....
Even better would be a test and a proper patch with commit message.
Do you have time for that?
Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
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