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Re: The less ambiguous math delimiters in tables

From: Rudolf Adamkovič
Subject: Re: The less ambiguous math delimiters in tables
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 13:20:58 +0100

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

> These edge cases come in pairs:
> printf '%s\n' '| \(first cell | mid | last\) |' | pandoc -f org -t latex
> \begin{longtable}[]{@{}l@{}}
> \toprule\noalign{}
> \endhead
> \bottomrule\noalign{}
> \endlastfoot
> \(first cell | mid | last\) \\
> \end{longtable}

But how many Org tables exist in the world that have a row with an
un-closed \( in one cell and an un-closed \) in a subsequent cell?
About zero, would be my guess. :) Yet, there exist billions, if not
trillions, LaTeX fragments containing |, and many of them are located in
tables.  We optimize for the former, that is a super-ultra-rare edge
case, if it even exists, instead of the common use case.

"Programming reliably -- must be an activity of an undeniably
mathematical nature […] You see, mathematics is about thinking, and
doing mathematics is always trying to think as well as possible."
--- Edsger W. Dijkstra, 1981

Rudolf Adamkovič <rudolf@adamkovic.org> [he/him]

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