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Re: add-hook sets hook globally if buffer-local hook is nil

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: add-hook sets hook globally if buffer-local hook is nil
Date: 26 Oct 2003 14:36:31 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:
> He said that my subsequent patch fixes the problem. 

It seems we have significant problems understanding each other here.
Some of it might be due to your slow turn-around time, so please quote more
text, so we don't lose context.

In the message to which you replied I said:

> A better fix than the one you provided is to replace in the above code
> `local-variable-p' with `local-variable-if-set-p', but I still have no
> idea why the additional check would be needed in the first place.

Where I hoped it was implicitly clear that it aknowledged that your patch
did fix the problem, and that my argument was about fixing it differently.
I wrote the code, I understand it and I'm trying to help you keep the code
understandable instead of adding patches over patches.

If all you care about is whether or not it fixes Alan's problem, then go
ahead, but I think we should also additionally care that it doesn't
introduce yet another bug or that it makes the code more difficult to fix
next time around.  I feel like you completely distrust my suggestions and
take them as criticism.


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