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a bug of simple.el

From: 山本和彦
Subject: a bug of simple.el
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 15:16:38 +0900 (JST)


Rev 1.634 of simple.el introduces a bug into
completion-setup-function(). The difference from rev 1.633 assumes the
entire string of the minibuffer is used for completion. If a part of
the minibuffer is used for completion, an error occurs as attached.

Since Mew (http://www.mew.org/) uses a part of the minibuffer, it hits
upon this error.

For example, when the minibuffer is "home:%from.misc" and "%from.misc"
is used for completion, the following code causes an error as

(display-completion-list '("%from.misc" "%from.misc-0" "%from.misc-1" 


  get-char-property(89 mouse-face)
  (and (get-char-property element-start (quote mouse-face)) (get-char-property 
element-common-end (quote mouse-face)))
  (if (and (get-char-property element-start ...) (get-char-property 
element-common-end ...)) (progn (put-text-property element-start 
element-common-end ... ...) (put-text-property element-common-end ... ... ...)))
  (when (and (get-char-property element-start ...) (get-char-property 
element-common-end ...)) (put-text-property element-start element-common-end 
(quote font-lock-face) (quote completion-de-emphasis)) (put-text-property 
element-common-end (1+ element-common-end) (quote font-lock-face) (quote 
  (while element-start (setq element-common-end (+ element-start 
common-string-length)) (when (and ... ...) (put-text-property element-start 
element-common-end ... ...) (put-text-property element-common-end ... ... ...)) 
(setq element-start (next-single-property-change element-start ...)))
  (let ((common-string-length ...) (element-start ...) element-common-end) 
(while element-start (setq element-common-end ...) (when ... ... ...) (setq 
element-start ...)))
  (progn (let (... ... element-common-end) (while element-start ... ... ...)))
  (if completion-base-size (progn (let ... ...)))
  (when completion-base-size (let (... ... element-common-end) (while 
element-start ... ... ...)))
  (let ((mainbuf ...) (mbuf-contents ...)) (if minibuffer-completing-file-name 
(with-current-buffer mainbuf ...)) (set-buffer standard-output) 
(completion-list-mode) (make-local-variable (quote 
completion-reference-buffer)) (setq completion-reference-buffer mainbuf) (if 
minibuffer-completing-file-name (setq completion-base-size ...) 
(save-match-data ...)) (when completion-base-size (let ... ...)) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (if (display-mouse-p) (insert ...)) (insert 
(substitute-command-keys "In this buffer, type \\[choose-completion] to select 
the completion near point.\n\n")))
  (save-excursion (let (... ...) (if minibuffer-completing-file-name ...) 
(set-buffer standard-output) (completion-list-mode) (make-local-variable ...) 
(setq completion-reference-buffer mainbuf) (if minibuffer-completing-file-name 
... ...) (when completion-base-size ...) (goto-char ...) (if ... ...) (insert 
  display-completion-list(("%from.misc" "%from.misc-0" "%from.misc-1" 

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