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extended rx.el

From: Dave Love
Subject: extended rx.el
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 12:35:07 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

Currently both sregex.el and rx.el do regexps as sexps and there's a
separate notation of Shivers' which they don't try to be compatible
with.  These changes generalize rx.el in various ways and make it
more-or-less compatible with sregex as far as I can tell and allow SRE
forms where possible, which may provide a better chance of remembering
the names.  The exception I know is that the `repeat' form is
restricted relative to sregex.  Apart from that, I think you could use
`rx' and `rx-to-string' as aliases for the corresponding sregex names.

I've used most of the changes for some time, but the sregex
compatibility isn't well tested.

By the way, rx tends to insert more shy groups than necessary.  Is
that likely to have a significant performance impact on the regexp
engine in typical circumstances?

2004-04-20  Dave Love  <address@hidden>

        * emacs-lisp/rx.el: Doc fixes.
        (rx-constituents): Add/extend many forms.
        (rx-check): Check form is a list.
        (bracket): Defvar.
        (rx-check-any, rx-any, rx-check-not): Modified.
        (rx-not): Simplified.
        (rx-trans-forms, rx-=, rx->=, rx-**, rx-not-char, rx-not-syntax):
        (rx-kleene): Use rx-trans-forms.
        (rx-quote-for-set): Deleted.
        (rx): Allow multiple args.

Index: rx.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/rx.el,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -p -u -r1.11 rx.el
@@ -32,6 +32,22 @@
 ;; from the bugs mentioned in the commentary section of Sregex, and
 ;; uses a nicer syntax (IMHO, of course :-).
+;; This significantly extended version of the original, is almost
+;; compatible with Sregex.  The only incompatibility I (fx) know of is
+;; that the `repeat' form can't have multiple regexp args.
+;; Now alternative forms are provided for a degree of compatibility
+;; with Shivers' attempted definitive SRE notation
+;; <URL:http://www.ai.mit.edu/~/shivers/sre.txt>.  SRE forms not
+;; catered for include: dsm, uncase, w/case, w/nocase, ,@<exp>,
+;; ,<exp>, (word ...), word+, posix-string, and character class forms.
+;; Some forms are inconsistent with SRE, either for historical reasons
+;; or because of the implementation -- simple translation into Emacs
+;; regexp strings.  These include: any, word.  Also, case-sensitivity
+;; and greediness are controlled by variables external to the regexp,
+;; and you need to feed the forms to the `posix-' functions to get
+;; SRE's POSIX semantics.  There are probably more difficulties.
 ;; Rx translates a sexp notation for regular expressions into the
 ;; usual string notation.  The translation can be done at compile-time
 ;; by using the `rx' macro.  It can be done at run-time by calling
@@ -94,62 +110,103 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (defconst rx-constituents
   '((and               . (rx-and 1 nil))
+    (seq               . and)          ; SRE
+    (:                 . and)          ; SRE
+    (sequence          . and)          ; sregex
     (or                        . (rx-or 1 nil))
+    (|                 . or)           ; SRE
     (not-newline       . ".")
+    (nonl              . not-newline)  ; SRE
     (anything          . ".\\|\n")
-    (any               . (rx-any 1 1 rx-check-any))
+    (any               . (rx-any 1 nil rx-check-any)) ; inconsistent with SRE
     (in                        . any)
+    (char              . any)          ; sregex
+    (not-char          . (rx-not-char 1 nil rx-check-any)) ; sregex
     (not               . (rx-not 1 1 rx-check-not))
+    ;; Partially consistent with sregex, whose `repeat' is like our
+    ;; `**'.  (`repeat' with optional max arg and multiple sexp forms
+    ;; is ambiguous.)
     (repeat            . (rx-repeat 2 3))
-    (submatch          . (rx-submatch 1 nil))
+    (=                 . (rx-= 2 nil))    ; SRE
+    (>=                        . (rx->= 2 nil))   ; SRE
+    (**                        . (rx-** 2 nil))   ; SRE
+    (submatch          . (rx-submatch 1 nil)) ; SRE
     (group             . submatch)
-    (zero-or-more      . (rx-kleene 1 1))
-    (one-or-more       . (rx-kleene 1 1))
-    (zero-or-one       . (rx-kleene 1 1))
-    (\?                        . zero-or-one)
+    (zero-or-more      . (rx-kleene 1 nil))
+    (one-or-more       . (rx-kleene 1 nil))
+    (zero-or-one       . (rx-kleene 1 nil))
+    (\?                        . zero-or-one)  ; SRE
     (\??               . zero-or-one)
-    (*                 . zero-or-more)
+    (*                 . zero-or-more) ; SRE
     (*?                        . zero-or-more)
     (0+                        . zero-or-more)
-    (+                 . one-or-more)
+    (+                 . one-or-more)  ; SRE
     (+?                        . one-or-more)
     (1+                        . one-or-more)
     (optional          . zero-or-one)
+    (opt               . zero-or-one)  ; sregex
     (minimal-match     . (rx-greedy 1 1))
     (maximal-match     . (rx-greedy 1 1))
     (backref           . (rx-backref 1 1 rx-check-backref))
     (line-start                . "^")
+    (bol               . line-start)   ; SRE
     (line-end          . "$")
+    (eol               . line-end)     ; SRE
     (string-start      . "\\`")
+    (bos               . string-start) ; SRE
+    (bot               . string-start) ; sregex
     (string-end                . "\\'")
+    (eos               . string-end)   ; SRE
+    (eot               . string-end)   ; sregex
     (buffer-start      . "\\`")
     (buffer-end                . "\\'")
     (point             . "\\=")
     (word-start                . "\\<")
+    (bow               . word-start)   ; SRE
     (word-end          . "\\>")
+    (eow               . word-end)     ; SRE
     (word-boundary     . "\\b")
+    (not-word-boundary . "\\B")        ; sregex
     (syntax            . (rx-syntax 1 1))
+    (not-syntax                . (rx-not-syntax 1 1)) ; sregex
     (category          . (rx-category 1 1 rx-check-category))
     (eval              . (rx-eval 1 1))
     (regexp            . (rx-regexp 1 1 stringp))
     (digit             . "[[:digit:]]")
-    (control           . "[[:cntrl:]]")
-    (hex-digit         . "[[:xdigit:]]")
-    (blank             . "[[:blank:]]")
-    (graphic           . "[[:graph:]]")
-    (printing          . "[[:print:]]")
-    (alphanumeric      . "[[:alnum:]]")
+    (numeric           . digit)        ; SRE
+    (num               . digit)        ; SRE
+    (control           . "[[:cntrl:]]") ; SRE
+    (cntrl             . control)       ; SRE
+    (hex-digit         . "[[:xdigit:]]") ; SRE
+    (hex               . hex-digit)      ; SRE
+    (xdigit            . hex-digit)      ; SRE
+    (blank             . "[[:blank:]]")  ; SRE
+    (graphic           . "[[:graph:]]")  ; SRE
+    (graph             . graphic)        ; SRE
+    (printing          . "[[:print:]]")  ; SRE
+    (print             . printing)       ; SRE
+    (alphanumeric      . "[[:alnum:]]")  ; SRE
+    (alnum             . alphanumeric)   ; SRE
     (letter            . "[[:alpha:]]")
-    (ascii             . "[[:ascii:]]")
+    (alphabetic                . letter)       ; SRE
+    (alpha             . letter)       ; SRE
+    (ascii             . "[[:ascii:]]") ; SRE
     (nonascii          . "[[:nonascii:]]")
-    (lower             . "[[:lower:]]")
-    (punctuation       . "[[:punct:]]")
-    (space             . "[[:space:]]")
-    (upper             . "[[:upper:]]")
-    (word              . "[[:word:]]"))
+    (lower             . "[[:lower:]]") ; SRE
+    (lower-case                . lower)         ; SRE
+    (punctuation       . "[[:punct:]]") ; SRE
+    (punct             . punctuation)   ; SRE
+    (space             . "[[:space:]]") ; SRE
+    (whitespace                . space)         ; SRE
+    (white             . space)         ; SRE
+    (upper             . "[[:upper:]]") ; SRE
+    (upper-case                . upper)         ; SRE
+    (word              . "[[:word:]]")  ; inconsistent with SRE
+    (wordchar          . word)          ; sregex
+    (not-wordchar      . "[^[:word:]]") ; sregex (use \\W?)
+    )
   "Alist of sexp form regexp constituents.
 Each element of the alist has the form (SYMBOL . DEFN).
 SYMBOL is a valid constituent of sexp regular expressions.
@@ -178,7 +235,23 @@ all arguments must satisfy PREDICATE.")
     (comment-start     . ?<)
     (comment-end       . ?>)
     (string-delimiter  . ?|)
-    (comment-delimiter . ?!))
+    (comment-delimiter . ?!)
+    ;; sregex compatibility
+    (- . ?-)
+    (\. . ?.)
+    (w . ?w)
+    (_ . ?_)
+    (\( . ?\()
+    (\) . ?\))
+    (\' . ?\')
+    (\" . ?\")
+    (\$ . ?$)
+    (\\ . ?\\)
+    (/ . ?/)
+    (< . ?<)
+    (> . ?>)
+    (| . ?|)
+    (! . ?!))
   "Alist mapping Rx syntax symbols to syntax characters.
 Each entry has the form (SYMBOL . CHAR), where SYMBOL is a valid
 symbol in `(syntax SYMBOL)', and CHAR is the syntax character
@@ -252,6 +325,8 @@ See also `rx-constituents'."
 (defun rx-check (form)
   "Check FORM according to its car's parsing info."
+  (unless (listp form)
+    (error "rx `%s' needs argument(s)" form))
   (let* ((rx (rx-info (car form)))
         (nargs (1- (length form)))
         (min-args (nth 1 rx))
@@ -297,53 +372,61 @@ FORM is of the form `(and FORM1 ...)'."
-(defun rx-quote-for-set (string)
-  "Transform STRING for use in a character set.
-If STRING contains a `]', move it to the front.
-If STRING starts with a '^', move it to the end."
-  (when (string-match "\\`\\(\\(?:.\\|\n\\)+\\)\\]\\(\\(?:.\\|\n\\)\\)*\\'"
-                     string)
-    (setq string (concat "]" (match-string 1 string)
-                        (match-string 2 string))))
-  (when (string-match "\\`^\\(\\(?:.\\|\n\\)+\\)\\'" string)
-    (setq string (concat (substring string 1) "^")))
-  string)
+(defvar bracket)                      ; dynamically bound in `rx-any'
 (defun rx-check-any (arg)
    "Check arg ARG for Rx `any'."
-   (cond ((integerp arg) t)
-        ((and (stringp arg) (zerop (length arg)))
-         (error "String arg for rx `any' must not be empty"))
-        ((stringp arg) t)
-        (t
-         (error "rx `any' requires string or character arg"))))
+   (if (integerp arg)
+       (setq arg (string arg)))
+   (when (stringp arg)
+     (if (zerop (length arg))
+        (error "String arg for Rx `any' must not be empty"))
+     ;; Quote ^ at start; don't bother to check whether this is first arg.
+     (if (eq ?^ (aref arg 0))
+        (setq arg (concat "\\" arg)))
+     ;; Remove ] and set flag for adding it to start of overall result.
+     (when (string-match "]" arg)
+       (setq arg (replace-regexp-in-string "]" "" arg)
+            bracket "]")))
+   (when (symbolp arg)
+     (let ((translation (condition-case nil
+                           (rx-to-string arg 'no-group)
+                         (error nil))))
+       (unless translation (error "Invalid char class `%s' in Rx `any'" arg))
+       (setq arg (substring translation 1 -1)))) ; strip outer brackets
+   ;; sregex compatibility
+   (when (and (integerp (car-safe arg))
+             (integerp (cdr-safe arg)))
+     (setq arg (string (car arg) ?- (cdr arg))))
+   (unless (stringp arg)
+     (error "rx `any' requires string, character, char pair or char class 
+   arg)
 (defun rx-any (form)
-  "Parse and produce code from FORM, which is `(any STRING)'.
-STRING is optional.  If it is omitted, build a regexp that
-matches anything."
-  (rx-check form)
-  (let ((arg (cadr form)))
-    (cond ((integerp arg)
-          (char-to-string arg))
-         ((= (length arg) 1)
-          arg)
-         (t
-          (concat "[" (rx-quote-for-set (cadr form)) "]")))))
+  "Parse and produce code from FORM, which is `(any ARG ...)'.
+ARG is optional."
+  (rx-check form)
+  (let* (bracket
+        (args (mapcar #'rx-check-any (cdr form)))) ; side-effects `bracket'
+    ;; If there was a ?- in the form, move it to the front to avoid
+    ;; accidental range.
+    (if (member "-" args)
+       (setq args (cons "-" (delete "-" args))))
+    (apply #'concat "[" bracket (append args '("]")))))
 (defun rx-check-not (arg)
   "Check arg ARG for Rx `not'."
-  (unless (or (memq form
-                   '(digit control hex-digit blank graphic printing
-                           alphanumeric letter ascii nonascii lower
-                           punctuation space upper word))
-             (and (consp form)
-                  (memq (car form) '(not any in syntax category:))))
-    (error "rx `not' syntax error: %s" form))
-    t)
+  (unless (or (and (symbolp arg)
+                  (string-match "\\`\\[\\[:[-a-z]:]]\\'"
+                                (condition-case nil
+                                    (rx-to-string arg 'no-group)
+                                  (error ""))))
+             (eq arg 'word-boundary)
+             (and (consp arg)
+                  (memq (car arg) '(not any in syntax category))))
+    (error "rx `not' syntax error: %s" arg))
+  t)
 (defun rx-not (form)
@@ -355,24 +438,67 @@ matches anything."
           (if (= (length result) 4)
               (substring result 2 3)
             (concat "[" (substring result 2))))
-         ((string-match "\\`\\[" result)
+         ((eq ?\[ (aref result 0))
           (concat "[^" (substring result 1)))
-         ((string-match "\\`\\\\s." result)
-          (concat "\\S" (substring result 2)))
-         ((string-match "\\`\\\\S." result)
-          (concat "\\s" (substring result 2)))
-         ((string-match "\\`\\\\c." result)
-          (concat "\\C" (substring result 2)))
-         ((string-match "\\`\\\\C." result)
-          (concat "\\c" (substring result 2)))
-         ((string-match "\\`\\\\B" result)
-          (concat "\\b" (substring result 2)))
-         ((string-match "\\`\\\\b" result)
-          (concat "\\B" (substring result 2)))
+         ((string-match "\\`\\\\[scb]" result)
+          (concat (capitalize (substring result 0 2)) (substring result 2)))
           (concat "[^" result "]")))))
+(defun rx-not-char (form)
+  "Parse and produce code from FORM.  FORM is `(not-char ...)'."
+  (rx-check form)
+  (rx-not `(not (in ,@(cdr form)))))
+(defun rx-not-syntax (form)
+  "Parse and produce code from FORM.  FORM is `(not-syntax SYNTAX)'."
+  (rx-check form)
+  (rx-not `(not (syntax ,@(cdr form)))))
+(defun rx-trans-forms (form &optional skip)
+  "If FORM's length is greater than two, transform it to length two.
+A form (HEAD REST ...) becomes (HEAD (and REST ...)).
+If SKIP is non-nil, allow that number of items after the head, i.e.
+`(= N REST ...)' becomes `(= N (and REST ...))' if SKIP is 1."
+  (unless skip (setq skip 0))
+  (let ((tail (nthcdr (1+ skip) form)))
+    (if (= (length tail) 1)
+       form
+      (let ((form (copy-sequence form)))
+       (setcdr (nthcdr skip form) (list (cons 'and tail)))
+       form))))
+(defun rx-= (form)
+  "Parse and produce code from FORM `(= N ...)'."
+  (rx-check form)
+  (setq form (rx-trans-forms form 1))
+  (unless (and (integerp (nth 1 form))
+              (> (nth 1 form) 0))
+    (error "rx `=' requires positive integer first arg"))
+  (format "%s\\{%d\\}" (rx-to-string (nth 2 form)) (nth 1 form)))
+(defun rx->= (form)
+  "Parse and produce code from FORM `(>= N ...)'."
+  (rx-check form)
+  (setq form (rx-trans-forms form 1))
+  (unless (and (integerp (nth 1 form))
+              (> (nth 1 form) 0))
+    (error "rx `>=' requires positive integer first arg"))
+  (format "%s\\{%d,\\}" (rx-to-string (nth 2 form)) (nth 1 form)))
+(defun rx-** (form)
+  "Parse and produce code from FORM `(** N M ...)'."
+  (rx-check form)
+  (setq form (cons 'repeat (cdr (rx-trans-forms form 2))))
+  (rx-to-string form))
 (defun rx-repeat (form)
   "Parse and produce code from FORM.
 FORM is either `(repeat N FORM1)' or `(repeat N M FORM1)'."
@@ -419,6 +545,7 @@ If OP is one of `*?', `+?', `??', produc
 If OP is anything else, produce a greedy regexp if `rx-greedy-flag'
 is non-nil."
   (rx-check form)
+  (setq form (rx-trans-forms form))
   (let ((suffix (cond ((memq (car form) '(* + ? )) "")
                      ((memq (car form) '(*? +? ??)) "?")
                      (rx-greedy-flag "")
@@ -483,7 +610,7 @@ of all atomic regexps."
 (defun rx-category (form)
-  "Parse and produce code from FORM, which is `(category SYMBOL ...)'."
+  "Parse and produce code from FORM, which is `(category SYMBOL)'."
   (rx-check form)
   (let ((char (if (integerp (cadr form))
                  (cadr form)
@@ -543,8 +670,9 @@ NO-GROUP non-nil means don't put shy gro
-(defmacro rx (regexp)
-  "Translate a regular expression REGEXP in sexp form to a regexp string.
+(defmacro rx (&rest regexps)
+  "Translate regular expressions REGEXPS in sexp form to a regexp string.
+REGEXPS is a non-empty sequence of forms of the sort listed below.
 See also `rx-to-string' for how to do such a translation at run-time.
 The following are valid subforms of regular expressions in sexp
@@ -556,53 +684,58 @@ STRING
      matches character CHAR literally.
+`not-newline', `nonl'
      matches any character except a newline.
      matches any character
-`(any SET)'
-     matches any character in SET.  SET may be a character or string.
+`(any SET ...)'
+`(in SET ...)'
+`(char SET ...)'
+     matches any character in SET ....  SET may be a character or string.
      Ranges of characters can be specified as `A-Z' in strings.
+     Ranges may also be specified as conses like `(?A . ?Z)'.
-'(in SET)'
-     like `any'.
+     SET may also be the name of a character class: `digit',
+     `control', `hex-digit', `blank', `graph', `print', `alnum',
+     `alpha', `ascii', `nonascii', `lower', `punct', `space', `upper',
+     `word', or one of their synonyms.
-`(not (any SET))'
-     matches any character not in SET
+`(not (any SET ...))'
+     matches any character not in SET ...
+`line-start', `bol'
      matches the empty string, but only at the beginning of a line
      in the text being matched
+`line-end', `eol'
      is similar to `line-start' but matches only at the end of a line
+`string-start', `bos', `bot'
      matches the empty string, but only at the beginning of the
      string being matched against.
+`string-end', `eos', `eot'
      matches the empty string, but only at the end of the
      string being matched against.
      matches the empty string, but only at the beginning of the
-     buffer being matched against.
+     buffer being matched against.  Actually equivalent to `string-start'.
      matches the empty string, but only at the end of the
-     buffer being matched against.
+     buffer being matched against.  Actually equivalent to `string-end'.
      matches the empty string, but only at point.
+`word-start', `bow'
      matches the empty string, but only at the beginning or end of a
+`word-end', `eow'
      matches the empty string, but only at the end of a word.
@@ -610,34 +743,35 @@ CHAR
 `(not word-boundary)'
      matches the empty string, but not at the beginning or end of a
+`digit', `numeric', `num'
      matches 0 through 9.
+`control', `cntrl'
      matches ASCII control characters.
+`hex-digit', `hex', `xdigit'
      matches 0 through 9, a through f and A through F.
      matches space and tab only.
+`graphic', `graph'
      matches graphic characters--everything except ASCII control chars,
      space, and DEL.
+`printing', `print'
      matches printing characters--everything except ASCII control chars
      and DEL.
+`alphanumeric', `alnum'
      matches letters and digits.  (But at present, for multibyte characters,
      it matches anything that has word syntax.)
+`letter', `alphabetic', `alpha'
      matches letters.  (But at present, for multibyte characters,
      it matches anything that has word syntax.)
@@ -647,25 +781,29 @@ CHAR
      matches non-ASCII (multibyte) characters.
+`lower', `lower-case'
      matches anything lower-case.
+`upper', `upper-case'
      matches anything upper-case.
+`punctuation', `punct'
      matches punctuation.  (But at present, for multibyte characters,
      it matches anything that has non-word syntax.)
+`space', `whitespace', `white'
      matches anything that has whitespace syntax.
+`word', `wordchar'
      matches anything that has word syntax.
+     matches anything that has non-word syntax.
 `(syntax SYNTAX)'
      matches a character with syntax SYNTAX.  SYNTAX must be one
-     of the following symbols.
+     of the following symbols, or a symbol corresponding to the syntax
+     character, e.g. `\\.' for `\\s.'.
      `whitespace'              (\\s- in string notation)
      `punctuation'             (\\s.)
@@ -684,7 +822,7 @@ CHAR
      `comment-delimiter'       (\\s!)
 `(not (syntax SYNTAX))'
-     matches a character that has not syntax SYNTAX.
+     matches a character that doesn't have syntax SYNTAX.
 `(category CATEGORY)'
      matches a character with category CATEGORY.  CATEGORY must be
@@ -710,7 +848,7 @@ CHAR
      `japanese-katakana-two-byte'      (\\cK)
      `korean-hangul-two-byte'          (\\cN)
      `cyrillic-two-byte'               (\\cY)
-     `combining-diacritic'              (\\c^)
+     `combining-diacritic'             (\\c^)
      `ascii'                           (\\ca)
      `arabic'                          (\\cb)
      `chinese'                         (\\cc)
@@ -731,12 +869,16 @@ CHAR
      `can-break'                       (\\c|)
 `(not (category CATEGORY))'
-     matches a character that has not category CATEGORY.
+     matches a character that doesn't have category CATEGORY.
 `(and SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
+`(: SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
+`(seq SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
+`(sequence SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
      matches what SEXP1 matches, followed by what SEXP2 matches, etc.
 `(submatch SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
+`(group SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
      like `and', but makes the match accessible with `match-end',
      `match-beginning', and `match-string'.
@@ -744,6 +886,7 @@ CHAR
      another name for `submatch'.
 `(or SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
+`(| SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
      matches anything that matches SEXP1 or SEXP2, etc.  If all
      args are strings, use `regexp-opt' to optimize the resulting
      regular expression.
@@ -757,47 +900,55 @@ CHAR
 `(maximal-match SEXP)'
      produce a greedy regexp for SEXP.  This is the default.
-`(zero-or-more SEXP)'
-     matches zero or more occurrences of what SEXP matches.
-`(0+ SEXP)'
-     like `zero-or-more'.
-`(* SEXP)'
-     like `zero-or-more', but always produces a greedy regexp.
-`(*? SEXP)'
-     like `zero-or-more', but always produces a non-greedy regexp.
+Below, `SEXP ...' represents a sequence of regexp forms, treated as if
+enclosed in `(and ...)'.
-`(one-or-more SEXP)'
-     matches one or more occurrences of A.
+`(zero-or-more SEXP ...)'
+`(0+ SEXP ...)'
+     matches zero or more occurrences of what SEXP ... matches.
+`(* SEXP ...)'
+     like `zero-or-more', but always produces a greedy regexp, independent
+     of `rx-greedy-flag'.
+`(*? SEXP ...)'
+     like `zero-or-more', but always produces a non-greedy regexp,
+     independent of `rx-greedy-flag'.
+`(one-or-more SEXP ...)'
+`(1+ SEXP ...)'
+     matches one or more occurrences of SEXP ...
-`(1+ SEXP)'
-     like `one-or-more'.
-`(+ SEXP)'
+`(+ SEXP ...)'
      like `one-or-more', but always produces a greedy regexp.
-`(+? SEXP)'
+`(+? SEXP ...)'
      like `one-or-more', but always produces a non-greedy regexp.
-`(zero-or-one SEXP)'
+`(zero-or-one SEXP ...)'
+`(optional SEXP ...)'
+`(opt SEXP ...)'
      matches zero or one occurrences of A.
-`(optional SEXP)'
-     like `zero-or-one'.
-`(? SEXP)'
+`(? SEXP ...)'
      like `zero-or-one', but always produces a greedy regexp.
-`(?? SEXP)'
+`(?? SEXP ...)'
      like `zero-or-one', but always produces a non-greedy regexp.
 `(repeat N SEXP)'
-     matches N occurrences of what SEXP matches.
+`(= N SEXP ...)'
+     matches N occurrences.
+`(>= N SEXP ...)'
+     matches N or more occurrences.
 `(repeat N M SEXP)'
-     matches N to M occurrences of what SEXP matches.
+`(** N M SEXP ...)'
+     matches N to M occurrences.
+`(backref N)'
+    matches what was matched previously by submatch N.
 `(backref N)'
      matches what was matched previously by submatch N.
@@ -811,9 +962,21 @@ CHAR
 `(regexp REGEXP)'
      include REGEXP in string notation in the result."
-  (rx-to-string regexp))
+  (cond ((null regexps)
+        (error "No regexp"))
+       ((cdr regexps)
+        (rx-to-string `(and ,@regexps) t))
+       (t
+        (rx-to-string (car regexps) t))))
+;; ;; sregex.el replacement
+;; ;;;###autoload (provide 'sregex)
+;; ;;;###autoload (autoload 'sregex "rx")
+;; (defalias 'sregex 'rx-to-string)
+;; ;;;###autoload (autoload 'sregexq "rx" nil nil 'macro)
+;; (defalias 'sregexq 'rx)
 (provide 'rx)
 ;;; arch-tag: 12d01a63-0008-42bb-ab8c-1c7d63be370b

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