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Re: Executable deleted after first run

From: Leo
Subject: Re: Executable deleted after first run
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2007 21:59:31 +0000
User-agent: Gnus v5.11, Emacs/ (2007-01-01), Fedora 6 gnu/linux

* Richard Stallman (2007-01-02 22:35 -0500) said:
>     I spoke too soon. It happened again but I have no idea how to
>     reproduce. Just make sure the user running Emacs has the 'write'
>     access to file 'emacs' in bin dir and after sometime it will happen.
> If you make a practice of always running Emacs under gdb, does it
> still fail?
> If so, you could then try putting a breakpoint at `unlink' and another
> breakpoint at `rename'.  These breakpoints will be hit occasionally
> for legitimate reasons, so I hope you can suffer through that for a
> few days.  That way, you will see if the deletion of the executable
> hits one of these breakpoints.

Could anyone provide more help on debugging this? I run Emacs as
Richard suggested. I got interrupted from time to time and almost each
time I check if 'emacs' is still there by using 'ls -l'. However,
'emacs' is being deleted and I can't tell when it is deleted.

Leo <sdl.web AT gmail.com>                         (GPG Key: 9283AA3F)

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