- Navigation
- Use ivy-mode to search bash history
- (or emacs: avy 0.4.0 is out: avy-goto-char-timer, switch action, avy-pop-mark
- Quickly search for occurrences of the symbol at point
- Comparison of file managers for Emacs (Reddit)
- Configuration:
- Org Mode:
- Org-mode with the ox-twbs package: Better HTML export (Reddit, Irreal summary)
- London Public Transportation with helm and org
- Version control or persistent undo for org files? gitwatch, git gc
- Tracking time on tasks in Emacs org-mode (6:45)
- Mail:
- Help with save sent messages with Gnus, Offlineimap and office365 - gnus-message-archive-group
- Testing Encrypted Mail Setup - update to Gmail Gnus GPG guide
- mu/mu4e 0.9.16 released, context, UI, indexing
- Coding:
- Emacs development:
- Other:
- New packages:
- avy-menu: Library providing avy-powered popup menu
- doom: DOM implementation and manipulation library
- evil-ediff: Make ediff a little evil
- faust-mode: Basic faust syntax colorizer for emacs.
- fix-input: Make input methods play nicely with alternative keyboard layout on OS level
- flycheck-purescript: Flycheck: PureScript support
- hamburg-theme: Color Theme with a dark blue background.
- helm-safari: Helm interface for Safari Bookmarks and History
- html-check-frag: Check html-fragments
- kaomoji: Input kaomoji superb easily
- mutant: An interface for the Mutant testing tool
- org-rtm: Simple import/export from rememberthemilk to org-mode
- org-themis: Experimental project management mode for org-mode
- psysh: PsySH, PHP interactive shell (REPL)
- pyenv-mode-auto: Automatically activates pyenv version if .python-version file exists.
- rtm: An elisp implementation of the Remember The Milk API
- slirm: Systematic Literature Review Mode for Emacs.
- sly-hello-world: A template SLY contrib
- sly-macrostep: fancy macro-expansion via macrostep.el
- zone-rainbow: Zone out with rainbow.
- zone-select: Select zone programs.
- gnome-c-style: minor mode for editing GNOME-style C source code
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the Emacs commit log, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.