- Upcoming events:
- M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Tue Jun 21 0800 Vancouver / 1000 Chicago / 1100 Toronto / 1500 GMT / 1700 Berlin / 2030 Kolkata / 2300 Singapore
- Emacs APAC (virtual, in English) https://emacs-apac.gitlab.io/ Sat Jun 25 0130 Vancouver / 0330 Chicago / 0430 Toronto / 0830 GMT / 1030 Berlin / 1400 Kolkata / 1630 Singapore
- Emacs Berlin (virtual, in English) https://emacs-berlin.org/ Wed Jun 29 0930 Vancouver / 1130 Chicago / 1230 Toronto / 1630 GMT / 1830 Berlin / 2200 Kolkata – Thu Jun 30 0030 Singapore
- Emacs FFM: Return of the Emacs FFM Meetup! https://www.meetup.com/emacs-ffm/events/286448683/ Wed Jun 29 1000 Vancouver / 1200 Chicago / 1300 Toronto / 1700 GMT / 1900 Berlin / 2230 Kolkata – Thu Jun 30 0100 Singapore
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- Emacs development:
- New packages:
- ansilove: Display buffers as PNG images using ansilove (MELPA)
- cargo-transient: A transient for cargo (MELPA)
- ebnf-mode: Major mode for EBNF files (MELPA)
- insert-random: Insert random characters from various character sets (MELPA)
- lingva: Access Google Translate via lingva.ml (MELPA)
- org-mac-link: Insert org-mode links to items selected in various Mac apps (MELPA)
- ppcompile: Ping-pong compile projects on remote machines (MELPA)
- smithy-mode: Major mode for editing Smithy IDL files (MELPA)
- zetteldesk-ref: A zetteldesk extension for interfacing with literature nodes (MELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, emacs-devel, and lemmy/c/emacs. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links!