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Re: [emacs-tangents] 10 problems with Elisp, part 10

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: [emacs-tangents] 10 problems with Elisp, part 10
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 23:11:33 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.12 (2023-09-09)

* Emanuel Berg <incal@dataswamp.org> [2024-08-09 10:20]:
> Abraham S.A.H." via "Emacs development discussions. wrote:
> >> It doesn't take much experience to do cool things fast in
> >> Python, it is a fact.
> >
> > I agree to disagree, Emanuel!  Sorry, but I do not think
> > "Python is a generally better programming language".
> Devel time faster than in Lisp, is what I'm saying.

I believe that the speed of development is influenced by how the
programmer has structured the foundational components.

I believe Lisp-like languages are ideal for this purpose. Unlike many
other languages, which can make speeding up development a challenge,
Lisp-like languages make the process much easier and more

I am sorry that you haven't arrived at that understanding yet, but
it's great that you grasped it in another language.

What works, works.

I would use software in any language if it gives me product or service
I need.

> Maybe one could have a Lisp that also was as fast or almost as
> fast, if one focused on that aspect.

I gave you references, Lisp is so much faster than your praised babies.

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