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Re: [emacs-tangents] 10 problems with Elisp, part 10 (was: Re: Emacs web

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: [emacs-tangents] 10 problems with Elisp, part 10 (was: Re: Emacs website, Lisp, and other)
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:36:14 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.12 (2023-09-09)

* Emanuel Berg <incal@dataswamp.org> [2024-10-24 00:13]:
> Jean Louis wrote:
> >> Sure, but we are allowed to discuss how to make
> >> Elisp better?
> >> 
> >> Since Python has had enormous success, and Lisp hasn't - or
> >> if it had, it lost it - it might be a good ide to analyze
> >> what they (Python) did good.
> >
> > Do you mean making Elisp better in the eyes of the world, or
> > technically for Elisp users?
> How nice to hear from you, thanks for helping me out that
> other time, so okay, this old and boring discussion tho - I'm
> just gonna answer this one message - okay - ... - really,
> ONE message, I saying.
> First, what I mean "better": as a programming language,
> as technology.

I am here only to poke on you ;-)

But I can't replace Emacs Lisp with something else. I have got
interface and it is sufficient, I need not think of plethora of
elements. We manage employees, documents, accounting, reports of all
kinds, I mean it is huge. I have switched from Perl to Emacs.

** Statistics 

║ Total number of people ║ 242546 ║ Total Hyperdocuments         ║ 62993 ║
║ People in last week    ║ 108    ║ Hyperdocuments in last week  ║ 216   ║
║ People in last month   ║ 261    ║ Hyperdocuments in last month ║ 841   ║

All that above is managed through Emacs interface.

So if Python is better, it is for me personal issue, not technical
issue. I have got no oversight and capacity to measure what is better.


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