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[emacs-wiki-discuss] a emacs-wiki but no planner.el question (was: How i

From: Gregor Zattler
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] a emacs-wiki but no planner.el question (was: How is hierarchy supposed to work?)
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 23:14:02 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040523i

Hi emacs-wiki-users,
* TC <address@hidden> [29. Jun. 2004]:
> If I have a subdirectory - call it "subdir" - in my emacs-wiki 
> source and I want to refer to a file - call it "SubFile" - in that
> subdirectory, what is the correct link syntax?  I've tried (from 
> a file one level up):
>     Here is a link to [[subdir/SubFile][SubFile]]
> That link works within emacs, but the link reference in the published
> file drops the ".html" off the the end. The html appears as follows:
> <a href="subdir/SubFile">SubFile</a>
> when it really should be:
> <a href="subdir/SubFile.html">SubFile</a>

This is still the case (and a problem) even with subdir being one
element of the emacs-wiki-directory list:

   (setq emacs-wiki-projects
       `(("default" . (
                         (emacs-wiki-directories . ("~/Wiki/" "~/Wiki/subdir/"))
                         (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory . "~/WebWiki/")

tested with emacs-wiki version 2.54-1 (debian unstable).

I'm not able to fix this.  Any workarounds?

Gre--speaks no elisp--gor

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