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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Better planner/diary integration

From: Dryice Liu
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Better planner/diary integration
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 09:21:53 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (berkeley-unix)

Jody Klymak <address@hidden> wrote:
> I consider tasks unscheduled things that need doing (perhaps with a
> deadline), and diary items as things that I must attend at such and
> such a time.  This corresponds to GTD "calendar" versus "action
> items".  Therefore, I consider the distinction between *Diary* and
> *Tasks* very useful.

I'm in a similar approach. I see diary items as "appointment" that I
have to do at a specific time and "* Schedule" items as "schedule"
which I can ignore (which I often do :)

> I think at some point Sacha has some (python?) code that read a
> "Schedule" section and put the results into a diary file.  You could
> maybe check that out and start from there?  Maybe someone else
> remembers it better than I do.

Do you mean planner-export-diary.el? Here's how I use it:

I overwrite the planner-export-diary-format-schedule-entries-for-diary
so items from "* Schedule" and "~/.diary" looks different in "* Diary"
and the appt reminder:
;; over write the one in planner-export-diary.el to distinguish the
;; original appointment and the schedule
(defun planner-export-diary-format-schedule-entries-for-diary (list)
  "Format LIST as diary entries.
LIST should contain entries of the form [DATE START END
  (mapconcat (lambda (item)
                (let ((date (planner-filename-to-calendar-date (elt item 0))))
                  (format "%02d/%02d/%04d"
                          (elt date 0)
                          (elt date 1)
                          (elt date 2)))
                " "
                (elt item 1)
                (elt item 2)
                " ~~~"
                (elt item 3)))
             list "\n"))

So say I have
| 09:30 | 10:00 | check emacs wiki mail list
in "* Schedule" and
| Feb 21, 2005 10:00-11:00 a meeting!
in my ~/.diary, I'll get
| 09:30-10:00 ~~~check emacs wiki mail list
| 10:00-11:00 a meeting!
in "* Diary". So when I see an appt reminder starting with "~~~", I
can safely ignore it :) It's kind of like Jim Ottaway's "@" magic but
I can decide if I want to ignore some thing on the fly :)

I also have ddliu-move-time to help me in the "* Schedule"
(defun ddliu-move-time (BEG END offset)
  "Add offset minutes to all times in the form HH:MM in a
region. offset can be negative. I use this in the Schedule section of
planner day plan page"
  (interactive "r
nMove by minutes: ")
      (narrow-to-region BEG END)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (search-forward-regexp
              "\\([0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\(am\\|pm\\)?\\)" nil t)
        (let ((time-string (match-string 1))
              old-time new-time)
            (setq old-time (appt-convert-time time-string))
            (setq new-time (+ old-time offset)))
          (replace-match (ddliu-minutes-to-string new-time))))

Also a function planner-add-task-to-schedule like Henrik Hansen's
planner-task-appt-add might be handy too.

Dryice @ http://dryice.3322.org

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